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****Random Fact about the author: My cousins and I have a group chat labeled The Schuyler Sisters and I feel like it's a modern day version of them because of the rants we have together.... I'll have to post a screengrab of that one day! ;)****

Pippa's POV

I swear my paycheck just got smaller and smaller every time I got one. It didn't even pay to work anymore. I frowned at the little numbers and groaned.

"It'll be fine. You'll figure it out." Vivian smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Easy for you to say. You have it all figured out." I frowned while putting my paycheck into my bag.

"You will one day too. Trust me." She said while leaving. I nodded and put my earbuds in to listen to some music. I needed to drown out the horrible shift I had tonight. Spaghetti thrown at me by a tiny child was tolerable. It made sense. Tiny children were going to make a mess. But having someone run right into you while you're carrying drinks is not always the best thing in the world.

I felt odd while walking home. Must've been because it was just a little more quieter than normal. Less tourists and more sidewalk space. I hurried my pace just to get myself home faster. Jasmine was out on a date which meant I was going to be alone for a bit when I got in. A little quiet never hurt anyone.. but not when it was in the middle of a huge city where literally anything could happen... I felt a little safe when I stepped into the apartment building. At least I'm closer to home this way. The elevator wasn't bad either. It was quicker than normal which made me smile. It's like it knew I'd dealt with enough today.

"Just a few more feet." I sighed to myself as I walked down the hall. I was busy trying to put my phone and earbuds back into my back while digging my keys out at the same time. I felt myself being spun around and pushed up against a wall.

"Make a sound and you're dead." I looked up at the man and realized it was my boss...

"How did you get in here?" I gasped. He smiled and got his face close to mine. I tried to squirm away, but it was impossible. He was standing far away enough out of my leg's reach, so I couldn't kick him. But god he was stronger than what he looked.

"You're going to come home with me and that's final." He smiled his ugly smile and I started crying.

"No!" I cried. "Let me go!" I felt tears falling from my cheeks. I was terrified. I couldn't do anything against this man...

"She said let her go." My boss looked up from my direction and towards the ending of the hall. "If you don't let her go I'll call the police. And from then it'll be your jail sentence." It was Lin... How did he know? My boss let go of my arms and I fell down to the floor. I sobbed quietly without looking up. I heard his heavy footsteps walk down the hall and eventually heard him leave on the elevator. Another set of footsteps came towards me, but I couldn't stop crying. "Hey, hey... it's okay. It's okay." Lin comforted me. Even sat on the floor next to me until I could get up. I was paralyzed in fear... Even though he was already gone, I still felt scared.

"I hate him." I finally choked out.

"I do too." Lin said while helping me up. "Stay with me tonight. That way you'll feel safe." He smiled. I shook my head and walked to my apartment. "Are you sure?" He frowned. I nodded once and unlocked my door.

"I just kind of want to be alone..." I whispered.

"Alright... I'm only a few steps away. Remember that." He said while placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and walked into my apartment. Jasmine wasn't home yet thank god... when the door shut I locked it and slid down the door. Letting a fresh set of tears come rolling down my cheeks. Eventually, I got up and cleaned myself off.

"Pips, I'm home!" I heard Jasmine call. "Pippa? Where are you?" She sang. I sat in the shower letting the hot water hit my back. I just kept crying and I didn't want to leave... "I'm coming in." I heard her say before opening the bathroom door. "Whoa... How long have you been in here?" She asked. "Pip? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.." I croaked.

"That's not fine." She opened the shower door enough to turn off the hot water. Once she opened the other shower doors, I shuttered at the cold air hitting my skin. "Here." She wrapped one of our giant towels around me and I stood up. "What happened?" She asked. I shook my head and just walked out of the bathroom.

I didn't want to talk about it at all.

"Pippa... Please talk to me.." Jasmine frowned. "Was it something I did?" She asked.

"No." I answered.

"Was it something Lin did?"


"Then what?" She asked.

"My boss followed me home and tried to take me away..." I sniffed. "And I couldn't do anything... My entire body just froze up and I didn't..." I cried.

"Did he hurt you?!" She asked while grabbing my arms. I shook my head and sat on my bed. "Pippa... It's going to be okay. I locked the doors and he would be stupid to try and climb five stories to get onto the fire escape." She frowned. "Do you want me to sleep in here with you tonight?"

"Please..." I whispered.

"Of course.. Get dressed and I'll change. You're going to quit tomorrow morning. I'll see about getting you a job with me. That way you won't have to see that god awful man ever again." She said while moving the hair from my face. I nodded and went to get dressed.

This was going to be great... A boss who wants to stalk me, a neighbor who looks out for me in the weirdest of times, and a best friend who was more like a sister to me.... at least two of those things were good...

I hope...

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