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Pippa's POV

I stayed in the living room with Max watching him play with his toys while Lin stared at his laptop in his little make shift office area. Luz had told me that I needed to tell Lin about this right away... I felt uneasy. He was on edge and I couldn't do it. Not even married yet and already on our second kid... I wasn't too far along. Just a month, month and a half. Max eventually showed some signs of wanting to go to bed, which I happily carried him into his room to sleep. Thank goodness for grandparents to wear out your kids. Once I got him settled, I decided to talk with him. I walked into our bedroom and saw him sitting at the desk with his earphones on. I placed my hands on his shoulders and ran them down to give him one of those weird hugs. He took off his earphones and turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry for earlier." I whispered.

"I'm sorry too. You have every right to be mad at me." He frowned. I shook my head and moved to sit on his lap. He kissed the side of my head and rubbed my arm. "What else is bothering you?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said sheepishly. It was a little funny watching his reaction. His eyes nearly popping out of his head. "Say something." I laughed nervously.

"I'm happy! But that means we'll have to push the wedding back since we never really had a date yet." He shrugged. I nodded in agreement, probably going to have to push it back another year... "Max will get a little sibling... How great is this??" He laughed.

"Really great..." I smiled. "Too bad we aren't planned enough to just move it up sooner." I sighed.

"Well.. We could always file for the marriage certificate at the courthouse, get that done, then have the actual ceremony later." He suggested. I shook my head at the idea, our parents would kill us if we did it that way. "Just throwing it out there." He laughed.

"I know. I just want everything to be perfect." I sighed. "And having another kid is perfect, but I really wanted to wait a little longer." I laughed. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Sorry! I know it's my fault too. But you were very willing." He smirked. I blushed at his remark, but I wasn't going to deny it. "How about we take a little break from everything for a bit, and focus on getting you on a relaxing vacation." He smiled. "How does London sound?" He laughed at his own little joke and shut his laptop off.

"It sounds wonderful." I said before kissing his cheek.


We sat in the airport waiting to board the plane. We had an hour before we boarded so we hung out near the gate just in case they decided to do anything early. Max was sitting in Lin's lap chewing on his crackers and making a mess already. I was hoping he would fall asleep on the plane since it was a red eye flight...

"I hope he sleeps.." I whispered.

"He will. Don't worry." He smiled. Lin knew Max to a point, but I knew Max a bit better than him... I just hoped he would sleep. Every single new place we went he wouldn't sleep. He had to take it all in. Just like his father and I... I guess...

We got on the plane and got ourselves situated before anyone else. Lin knew that Max was starting to get fussy, but refused to give him to me. I sat near the window while Lin sat in the isle seat. Of course he insisted on the first class seats... At least we had leg room and got to sit next to each other this way...

"Mama!" Max cried.

"Lin, please before he flips out.." I sighed. Lin frowned and passed Max over to me. I held him in my arms while he curled up in my arms to sleep.

"How come he likes you more?" Lin pouted.

"Oh don't be such a baby." I laughed. Max had his pacifier in his mouth and his blanket covering him. Of course he had a full on onesie with the little feet attached so he wouldn't be cold, but still.

"Are you going to be okay with me gone for that long?" Lin frowned. I shrugged and looked down at his hand playing with Max's feet. It got Max to have a fit of giggles, which honestly was better than him crying.

"We'll be with you up until you have to start filming. Then we're going to see my parents. After that... I'm probably not going to travel..." I frowned. "I know you're going to want us there, but I don't want to risk anything."

"I know. I just don't want to mess anything up either." He sighed.

"It's okay." I leaned over to kiss him and he smiled. Max continued giggling and I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was such a happy baby. I loved him so much that I couldn't wait to have this other kid. Of course they'll be very close in age, but at least he'll have a playmate all his childhood now. "Just think, when you get back, you'll have two kids instead of one." I smirked.

"That'll be a fun thing to come home to." He laughed. "I can't wait to raise them both." He smiled.

The rest of the people for the flight started boarding and I knew Max had to fall asleep soon. He was busy fighting it, but instead of crying, Lin was busy tickling his feet so he kept laughing. I couldn't wait to marry this man. And I really couldn't wait until this next baby was born. It wasn't going to be hectic, and it sure wasn't going to be easy either.

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