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March 2015

Lin's POV

I woke up with Pippa's back to me and my arms wrapped around her. Today was my day off and we were going to skype her parents to tell them the news. My hand rested on her baby bump and I smiled. I never wanted this feeling to go away. I kissed the back of her neck and smiled.

"Mm?" Pippa mumbled.

"It's time to wake up." I whispered.

"Five more minutes." She mumbled. I rubbed her belly which caused her to roll over. "Lin-Manuel you stop that." She poked my nose and closed her eyes again.

"But you need to be awake now." I whined.

"Fine. I'm up." She said while sitting up. I smiled and rubbed her back. I saw her look at the clock and I couldn't help but smile. "Dammit Lin!" She said while hitting me with a pillow. "You always do that!"

"What?! I can't help that I wake up at six in the morning!" I laughed.

"Well I'm awake now?! How am I supposed to go back to sleep?" She groaned. "This is your fault." She mumbled.

"I know. But I just wanted someone to talk to." I said while sitting up. "Speaking of talking..."

"They're not even awake yet. It's five there." She sighed. "Why do you do this to me?" She pouted. Oh she was so cute when she pouted. I felt a little bad for waking her up, but if I didn't she would've slept until noon..

"Because I love you." I smiled.

"Yeah you say that." She said while getting out of bed. "Oh, cold!" She gasped while jumping back into bed.

"Floor is made of ice?" I joked. She pushed me and I watched her run to the bathroom. It couldn't have been any warmer in there since I heard her gasp in there too. "Toilet made of ice too?" I laughed. She came out a few minutes later and pushed me again.

"I hate you sometimes." She said while climbing on top of me.

"Do you really now?" I smirked.

"Don't get any funny ideas Lin. This." She gestured to her whole body. "This is off limits to you until further notice." She laughed.

"What about this part?" I asked while touching her belly.

"Sometimes." She corrected. I sat up with her still straddling my waist. "Only when giving kisses and talking." She smiled.

"Alright then." I laughed. "God I can't wait for it to be here... I'm going to mess up so much... But I want to be the perfect parent..."

"Me too.. I'm terrified I'm not gonna be a great mom... Or that I'll just suck at everything.." She frowned. I took her hands in mine and kissed one of them.

"You're going to be the best parent in the world." I reassured her. She smiled and looked down at her stomach. "Actually, I can't wait for it to start kicking!" I gasped. "I can't wait to feel that.." Pippa laughed at my enthusiasm and got off the bed.

"Lets make breakfast." She said while pulling me out of bed. I felt like the luckiest man alive. I had the girl of my dreams, who was carrying our kid. She was just perfect to me. Everything was perfect.


"What did you want to talk to us about Pippa?" I heard her mom ask. It was one here, which made it noon their time. I hadn't ever met her parents yet... What a wonderful way to do so right?

"Yes, what is so important all of a sudden?" I assumed her father was the one talking now.

"Well... Um... I wanted you to meet my boyfriend!" She smiled. I looked up at her and she motioned for me to sit with her. I sat next to her and looked into the screen. "Mom, Dad, this is Lin." She introduced.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Soo." I waved.

"What a handsome young man!" Her mom gasped.

"I hope you're treating my Phillipa well." Her father pointed.

"I am." I smiled. "And thank you." I blushed a little.

"Also.. um... Another news thing..." Pippa was tripping over her words... I felt terrible that she had to tell them like this.

"What is it?" Her mom asked.

"I'm... Um..." She frowned. "I'm pregnant..." She sighed. I watched her parents' faces immediately look to me. The disappointment coming from their faces could be felt all the way through the screen...

"You're what?" Her father glared.

"I'm pregnant..." she repeated.

"Phillipa..." Her mother sighed. "Why?" She frowned.

"I don't know... We got a little more than tipsy on New Years and well... Here's our reason to stop partying hard on holidays.." She pointed at her stomach and frowned.

"And you? Aren't you sorry?!" Her father yelled at me.

"I am! I feel very bad that I did this.. But I'm not going to leave her! I promised to take care of her!" I defended.

"You two aren't even married yet!" He scoffed.

"Well... Pip, lets go get married. Right now." I looked at her and she gave me the look of death.

"Um... Now?" She glared.

"Yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why not go get it done in a courthouse right now?" I asked.

"Maybe because getting married this second doesn't sound like a good idea? I don't think we should throw anymore surprises at anyone! The first one was fine when we started dating. The second one almost lost both of our jobs and now this?! Do you realize how stupid that sounds?!" She yelled.

"No I don't! Why are you getting defensive about this?!" I yelled back. "I want to marry you because I love you!"

"You're only bringing it up because my dad yelled it!" She groaned.

"Um.." Her mother started. "If I may..." Pippa looked at her mother and waited. "Your father is right in a way. But getting married on a whim never works. I am happy you are staying with her." She spoke.

"But--" her dad interjected.

"No. You caused them to fight. My turn." Her mom said quickly. "Fighting isn't good for the baby. And I want to be able to hold this grandchild of mine. When are you due honey?" She asked.

"September second." Pippa answered quietly.

"Your father and I will be there that week to help you. Understand?" She smiled. Pippa and I nodded, along with her father. "Now, we'll talk soon!" She said before hanging up. Pippa shut the laptop and looked down at the couch.

"I really do love you... And I do want to marry you..." I started.

"Lin..." Pippa frowned.

"No, hear me out. We don't get married today, or anytime soon. Just know I want to marry you. One day." I smiled while taking her hand in mine. She gave me a small smile which signaled that she was going to be okay today. Her dad may have not been on board, but at least her mom was for now...

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