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****Guys I found this pic of Pip and well I can say that I am more in love with her!!! LOOK AT THAT SHORT HAIR!!!****

August 23, 2016

Pippa's POV

Max had a cold, and on his first birthday. I felt terrible that our little boy had to deal with sniffles and coughing fits. Lin had left really early in the morning for a meeting with people who were going to open up Hamilton in Chicago. I felt terrible that he had a cold too. But then I put two and two together and wrote a mental note to hit Lin for getting Max sick.

"Aw, my little baby boy." I cooed while picking him up. I grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned his nose while I carried him out into the kitchen. He squirmed in my arms, but let me clean him off. "Let's get you some yummy food." I smiled while setting him in his high chair. I heard the door click and saw Jasmine walk into the kitchen area.

"Hey, do you have any milk?" She asked while leaning on the kitchen bar.

"I might. What are you making?" I asked her.

"Pancakes. But Anthony decided that we didn't need to buy milk." She sighed. I laughed at her little problem and walked into the kitchen to get her the milk. "Aw! Happy birthday you little chipmunk!" I heard Jasmine say. "I got you the best present ever." She laughed. "What is in this bowl?" She asked.

"Oatmeal with some bananas in it. Why?" I asked while pouring some milk into a measuring cup.

"Oh. He's trying to share. That's why." She laughed.

"He sick I wouldn't take anything from him." I said while putting the milk jug back in the fridge. When I walked back to her she was spoon feeding him his oatmeal. "Now that's a cute sight." I laughed.

"He's too cute to resist! That and he was shoving his hands all in it and not getting any in his mouth." She frowned. I nodded and handed her the cup of milk. "Thank you!" She smiled.

"Tell Ant I said hi!" I laughed.

"Will do!" She said while leaving. "Oh, hey Lin!" She said before shutting the door. Lin walked in, looking completely drained with bags under his eyes.

"How was the meeting?" I asked while putting a spoonful of oatmeal into Max's mouth.

"Good. Things are going to go great at this pace." He sounded so congested... He walked over to me and gave me a side hug since he was holding his laptop case in his other hand. Max decided to sneeze and oatmeal came flying out of his mouth and onto me. "Oh boy..." Lin laughed.

"Oh boy is right." I sighed. It wasn't the first time this happened, and it wasn't going to be the last time either. Lin handed me some paper towels and wet wipes to clean up with, and actually helped me clean up too. "Poor baby. So sick on his birthday."

"Oh no... I didn't mean to get him sick!" Lin frowned. "Does he need to go to the doctor? Is he going to be okay? He needs to see a doctor!" Lin panicked.

"Lin chill. Kids get sick." I laughed while cleaning Max's face.

"But how do we know it's not life threatening?!" He gasped.

"Because he's giggling about the snot dripping from his nose." I said while pointing at our giggling baby. "You have nephews. You should know that kids get sick." I shrugged.

"That's different. Those weren't my kids." He sniffed. "That's my kid." He pointed.

"I know. But don't worry about it. Nothing that a little home remedies can't fix alright?" I reassured him. He nodded and I took care of everything Max needed for the day while Lin tried to relax. People didn't show up until eleven so that gave me a lot of time to clean up the house ad make sure Max was bathed and clean. "Just please watch him while I take a quick shower." I said while setting Max in his walker. Lin nodded and looked down at Max. "I mean it. He's mobile now. He'll rip everything off that table." I pointed. He nodded once again and I left the two boys in the living room. I was going to have to be quick. Knowing Lin, he didn't hear a word I had said and is probably just staring a the kid now.

Lin's POV

When everyone showed up, Max was crying already. Pippa was holding him trying to calm him down but it was impossible. He wasn't wailing enough to cause everyone to have a headache, but he was extremely fussy. Jasmine took him from Pip and started walking around with him. He seemed to calm down a bit then. But went right back to being fussy. He stopped being fussy when everyone sang happy birthday to him though. I recorded the whole thing and laughed when he looked back at Pip. His eyes we're wide at the song he was hearing and how it sounded to him. Oh he was going to have to get used to it.

"Blow out the candles Max!" Jasmine shouted. Pippa bent down with Max and both of them blew out the candles. Well more like Pippa blew out the candles while Max stuck his tongue out at the candles. Everyone watched him and laughed, of course nothing was better than him chewing his way through his gifts either. Everyone got him a little something that he would enjoy. Chris got him some trucks to play with, Renee got him clothes, but in a bigger size so he would grow into it. Jasmine got him mega blocks. Pippa sighed at the sight, knowing damn well we would be stepping on those later... Even though they were huge, sometimes you don't look down as a parent... You just keep going...

When the party ended, Max was already down for a nap by one. It wasn't a long party since everyone had to go back to the theatre. My parents stayed to help us clean up which made Pippa happy.

"Are you happy he's taking a nap?" My mom asked Pippa.

"Very happy." She smiled.

"He's going to grow into a fine young man." My dad said while clapping me on the back. "You did good." He smiled.

"Thanks dad." I laughed. "Do you think that next week you can babysit him? Pippa and I are planning on trying to get some wedding planning done..." I sighed. "And since he's learned to walk, well... Things have been a bit tough." I laughed nervously. He nodded and told me not to worry about it. I was very lucky to have them in my life still.

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