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October 2015

Lin's POV

Pippa was back and more ready than ever to perform. She was catching on so quickly it amazed me.

"Good! Good!" The choreographer smiled. "Thank god you catch on quick." He laughed. "But that should be enough for the day. I'll let you get back." He smiled.

"Thank you." Pippa smiled. She walked back to Max and I while smiling. "God it feels good to be back." She beamed.

"It feels good to see you back." I said quietly. "He finally went down for his nap a few minutes ago." I whispered. Pippa nodded and looked down at our sleeping child. He was growing so much... He was already two months old and he was just perfection. Him with his dark brown straight hair. He had a lot of it too. Your everyday little Hamilton hair. Pippa was smoothing it out to where it wasn't so wild, but it was impossible. Kinda cute actually... "I've already tried." I smirked. 

"Of course you did." She laughed. We left the theatre and headed back to the apartment. It was going to need to be changed since Max was going to grow and the apartment only had the one room... 

"Should we start thinking of getting a bigger apartment?" I asked her. 

"But... What's wrong with the apartment we have?" She asked. 

"Well we only have the one room and It's kind of small... Your's was small too but at least it had two bedrooms... Maybe Jasmine will swap us." I shrugged. She nodded and looked down at the stroller with Max in it. "What?" I asked her. 

"I just don't think it's a good idea... I've grown so attached to that building..." She frowned. I gave a sympathetic smile while wrapping my arm around her. She did have a good point. Both of us had lived there for who knows how long now... 

We got home in a nice amount of time and I couldn't wait to sit down and relax with Pippa. Of course, she had other plans. She was busy cleaning the house and preparing bottles for Max. I frowned and looked up at her from the couch. Max was fast asleep in his little bouncer in front of me, his little lip was twitching.. It was so cute... 

"Pip, are you ever going to sit down and relax?" I asked her. 

"Once I'm done with this. I won't have time tomorrow." She said while placing dishes in the drying rack. 

"Pip, why are you working yourself into the ground." I sighed while getting up from the couch. She scoffed while draining the sink. "Pippa, please. Relax. You spent all day learning the dances and spaces. Now just go sit down, relax and take it all in before you forget how." I said while placing my hands on her shoulders. She sighed and reluctantly walked to the couch. It made me smile to see her finally take a break too. 

"Fine... But I have to finish my little chores before bed..." She sighed. 

"Yes, yes you will. I know you." I said while kissing her head. "Just relax for right now." I sighed. Max started wiggling his nose, and opened his eyes the minute Pippa sat down in front of him. His smile came back as he lifted his arms up. He had his little mittens on since he loved scratching. Seems like all boys liked hurting people... But only me.. Never Pip. 

"Aw my little boy..." She cooed while taking him out of his bouncer. She was so gentle with him... Every time he saw her, he just lit up. Of course he smiled at me, but I guess he was always going to be a momma's boy. 


Pippa's POV 

I paced back and forth in my dressing room during intermission clutching my phone... Lin's parents were watching Max and I was worried something terrible would happen... Renee laughed at me for worrying so much, but she knew the stress. 

"He's going to be fine." She reassured. 

"I just worry..." I groaned. 

"I know. It's going to be okay. Trust me, when he's older you'll want a break from him." She laughed while walking with me. 

"I never want a break from him. He lights up when he sees me. And tries to hurt Lin." I smirked. She laughed at my explanation of my little boy and sat down next to me for the next number. Lin came barreling out of his dressing room barely dressed and looking a mess... 

"Hey!" He said nervously. 

"Hi...?" I raised an eyebrow and watched him tuck in one of his shirts. "Is something wrong?" I asked. 

"I think I fell asleep? I'm not sure... I just remember sitting down for a second then all of a sudden being shaken awake by Leslie telling me we only had a few minutes till curtain." He said while fixing his pants. I rolled my eyes and started helping him. We didn't get any sleep the night prior since Max decided to cry almost all night. Renee started laughing at the sight of us while i fixed his color. 

"There. Are you okay now?" I asked him while walking with him to stage. 

"Yeah... I'll be fine. I just wish I hadn't fallen asleep... I didn't know how tired I was until I sat down I guess." He said while fixing his sleeves. I helped him and kissed his cheek. 

"It's alright. You'll do great. Just don't fall asleep on stage." I smiled. 

"I won't." 

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