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March 2018

Pippa's POV

Marie had the cutest dress on for the wedding. I couldn't believe I was finally going to be married soon. My dress was simple, nothing too fancy, but obviously nothing too tight either. Two kids and my body still hadn't bounced back yet. I walked in my wedding dress, back and forth, carrying her trying to lull her to sleep. She was being very fussy about not having a nap.

"Pip what are you doing??" My mother frowned.

"I'm trying to get her down for a little nap. She'll cry the whole time if I don't." I groaned. She nodded in understanding and got a little bed for her ready. Lin had Max, which meant he was probably fighting him with his suit already.

Lin's POV

"I look like you!" Max giggled in the mirror. I smiled at him and continued to tie my tie.

"You do buddy." I laughed. He was already dressed and ready to go. Thank goodness for bribes. I told him he could stay up as long as he wanted tonight as long as he wore the suit. I doubted that he would stay up too late since we were going to be partying.

"Why we dress up?" He asked.

"Well Daddy is going to marry mommy. So we have to get dressed." I explained. He nodded and continued to look at himself in the mirror. It was pretty cute to watch actually. He was admiring himself and playing with his coat.

"Lin, are you ready yet?" Chris asked while barging into our hotel room.

"Almost! This dang tie isn't cooperating." I groaned. He walked in and began to help me with my tie. "Thanks." I laughed.

"No problem. You ready to marry little Pippa?" He smiled.

"Yes. I can't wait." I smiled. "Hopefully she's ready... She has Marie with her..."

"I'm sure she can." Chris said while finishing my tie. "There. Now you're ready." He smiled. I couldn't wait.

"Then let's go." I said while picking up Max.


The wedding ceremony itself was amazing. Pippa's dress was stunning, Marie was well behaved, as was Max. I couldn't believe that I was married to her now.

"I love you so much." Pippa whispered while we danced.

"I love you so much too." I kissed her forehead and continued to dance with her. How could I get this lucky with her? I had two beautiful children with her already and she still hadn't left me.

"I wanna dance with mommy!" Max giggled. Pippa let go of me and lifted him up.

"You can dance with me whenever you want to." She said while twirling with him. I walked over to my mom and got Marie from her. She was wide awake now, looking at everything around her.

"Da." She giggled while holding onto my collar.

"You wanna dance with daddy?" I smiled. She giggled and looked around at everyone out on the dance floor.

As the night went on, the kids grew tired, and obviously cranky. Marie fell asleep with Jasmine while Anthony was busy fighting with Max. They're gonna be great parents one day.

"No, you can't have this. This is grown up juice." Anthony laughed.

"But I thirsty!" Max whined. I handed him a juice box while I waited for Pippa to finish taking with her cousins. "Thank you." He groaned.

"You know, tiny babies are always cute when they're sleeping... But they are also quick to numb your body." Jasmine laughed.

"Want me to take her?" I asked. She nodded and handed over my sleeping child. I held her in my arms while Max sat on Anthony's lap drinking his juice box.

"You know, I like this whole godparenting thing." Anthony laughed. "Kids are fun." He said while hugging Max.

"Oh boy. You want mine? I'll sell them to ya." I laughed.

"Stop trying to sell our kids." Pippa said when she finally walked over to us. "No matter how high Jasmine offers." She smirked.

"Anthony was the one placing the bid. Not me." She laughed while looking at Anthony. "Do you guys need us to watch them tonight...? While you two make the marriage binding...?" She laughed even harder.

"I think we're good. Both of them are going to pass out when they hit their beds so we'll be good." I smirked. Pippa rolled her eyes and picked Max up from Antony.

"We should be heading out soon before Max throws another fit." She warned. I nodded in agreement and we started our little trek out. We said our goodbyes and headed straight for home. No more hotels, no more anything.

When we got home, Max threw another fit by crying and say how much he wanted to sleep. Pippa stripped him of his suit and put his pajamas on him, hoping it would calm him down, but it didn't. He just kept crying. Marie woke up to his crying, but I got her back to sleep after I changed her.

"Please sleep tonight. Daddy loves you." I kissed her head and pulled her crib wall back up. Pippa walked in trying to undo her dress, but I took care of all of that for her. "He is asleep right?" I asked while unbuttoning my shirt. She nodded while slipping out of her dress. I couldn't help but watch and admire her... She may have thought her body wasn't perfect, but my god I loved it.

"What?" She asked while unclipping her bra.

"I just love you so much.." I said while walking over to her.

"No, no. You didn't stop at the store to get any protection. We don't need another accident." She said while placing her hands on my chest. I frowned at her, making her laugh, but earning a few kisses. "Besides, before we even had this ceremony today and made it all official, I felt like I was already married to you. We've been together for years now. It was about time we tied the knot." She whispered to me.

"You're gonna make me cry again." I laughed. She rolled her eyes at my remark then left to change. How did I get so lucky? It still felt like after all of this time she was still just my neighbor. That I still hadn't said more than hi to her. That I hadn't done more than just ask her to pet sit Tobi.

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