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Jasmine's POV

Pippa was afraid to leave the apartment for a few days since she didn't want to face the world knowing that her old boss could be out there. I didn't blame her. She did sit on her bed and look out the window though. She always enjoyed that with her laptop to write things as it came to her.

"Why do you think she's all homebody all of a sudden?" My friend, Oak, asked.

"I don't know... It's terrifying. I get it she's scared but she needs to get out and show the world she isn't afraid." I frowned. Oak nodded and finished sweeping up the back rows of seats. "Do you think she has what it takes?" I asked.

"I think she does. She's always been very, very talented. She's just getting discouraged with everything right now." He shrugged. "Give her time and she'll come around." I nodded in hopes he was right. Maybe she would... Who knows.

Pippa's POV

Sitting and relaxing on my bed did have its perks, but I needed to do things outside... But I was afraid he was going to find me... He knew the building I lived in now... It was terrifying. I didn't want anything to happen to me at all...

"Pippa! Jasmine gave me a key to check on you.. Are you breathing?" I heard the front door open and shut. It sounded like Lin. I sighed and opened my bedroom door.

"I'm fine." I answered. I watched as his head peeked around the corner of the hall. I smiled a bit at his quirkiness and saw him smile.

"You know, Tobi misses you too." He laughed. As if on cue, Tobi came bounding from the living room and down the hall to me.

"Hi there puppy." I said while getting down to her level. Tobi just laid on her back demanding belly rubs the minute I got to her level. Of course I happily obliged.

"You know... This musical I'm writing needs some roles to play it when it's done... Maybe you could do a reading?" He asked.

"I wish. I'm not a very reliable person. Seeing as no one wanted me in their productions." I shrugged. He frowned and sat with me on the floor.

"You need to try again. There's an open audition for a show tomorrow. You should go." He handed me a folded paper and left with Tobi. I frowned and looked down at the paper.

I couldn't do that. Too much pain... I can't... I'm not ready... I placed the paper on my nightstand and walked away from it. I didn't know what to do.


Jasmine came home from work around four, as usual and sat in the living room for a bit. I was still in my room, but my bedroom door hadn't closed since Lin left.

"At least your door is open now." Jasmine smiled.

"Yeah.. I think it's been long enough..." I shrugged while looking up dogs on the internet. They were funny.

"Lin said that he visited you. You good?" She asked.

"Yeah... Just don't know how I feel right now." I frowned. "He came by with a open audition flyer... I just don't know..."

"Pip... You'll regret it if you don't. Do it." She pointed at me then walked away. I sighed and grabbed it off my nightstand.

"Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812... What in the world...?" I frowned. Who would have such a long title... Then again... Musicals weren't known for just their titles.... "Looking for singers who are able to perform in an opera like setting, as well as being able to perform with electronic pop?" I frowned. "Sounds legit." I laughed.


Lin's POV

I hoped she was going to take the audition. I had texted her but nothing. Maybe she was busy. Or asleep... it was pretty early in the morning. Normally people wouldn't be awake at this hour, just me. 

"What do you think of Pippa?" I asked Tobi. She perked her ears up then put them back down. "I think that she's pretty special. I see something in her." I said while making a bowl of cereal. Tobi just rolled over on the couch to look at what I was doing. Obviously she was only caring about my food. "Do you think she'll go to that audition today?" I frowned. Tobi whined and looked down then back up at me. "I think she will. No reason why she wouldn't right?" 


Pippa's POV 

"Rehearsals start next Monday, eight sharp. Welcome to the cast Phillipa." The director smiled. I couldn't believe it. It was in my range and all I had to do was learn everything... 

"Again, thank you so much. I will see you next Monday." I couldn't stop smiling. It was Off-Off Broadway, but hey... It was something! I was excited! I practically had a skip in my step while walking back home. Of course, my route passed by the restaurant I used to work at... I saw Vivian near the window and I tapped on the glass. She looked up at me and smiled. 

"What are you doing back here?" She asked while picking up some plates. 

"Look." I said while holding up my script. "I got a part!" I squealed. 

"I'm so happy for you!" She said while giving me a side hug. "Old boss over there has been working the new guy down to the point where he's been wanting to quit... Ever since you left he's been terrible. He says I have to work all the way up until I deliver my baby." She whispered. 

"Excuse me but that's illegal! Already having you here is bad enough... What if you go into labor while you're here?" I asked. "That'll be bad press on him." I frowned. 

"Don't worry about me. I'm more worried about having the money for this baby." She sighed. 

"I promise to help anyway I can when you do have the baby." I frowned. "I feel like I owe it to you because you practically took care of me when I first got here..." I smiled. 

"Oh Pip." Vivian laughed. "Any other mother would've done the same. But I will think of you when I need a babysitter." She smiled. 

"How come this table isn't clean yet?!" I heard the old boss growl. 

"I'll text you later." I said while leaving as quick as I could. 

"God luck with your new career!" Vivian called as I ran out. She knew the real reason why I had quit so suddenly. I had called her to tell her everything. She was like my New York mom here. When I made it to the apartment building I was greeted with Tobi running in the hall again. Lin was sitting at the end of the hall, more near our apartments, reading a book. I picked up her ball and threw it in his direction. 

"How..?" He looked up at the ball then up at me. "Oh! Hey!" He smiled while getting up from his seat. 

"I went to that audition that you told me to go to... I got the part. Thank you." I smiled while hugging him. 

"Really? That's great! We have to celebrate!" He laughed. 

"I'd rather stay in and learn my lines. I don't want to mess anything up. But thank you... I owe you a big one." I said while going into my apartment. 

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