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****I changed the month for time reasons....****

June 2016

Lin's POV

I was crying. Pippa was crying. The audience was crying. Everyone was just in full blown tears. It was Pip's and I's last show and it was so emotional. Everything we had worked for, just to see this sold out audience every night, and have it all end here for us. 

"I can't believe I won't be able to sing with you again." Jasmine frowned. 

"You will. You live right across the hall from me." Pippa laughed while hugging her. 

"But for how much longer?! You two are going to be married, then you're probably going to be popping more kids out!" She frowned. 

"It'll be a while before we move again." I stepped in and placed my hand on Pip's back. "Trust me. We don't want to try and move until long after we've been married." I laughed. "Speaking of..." I said while looking at her. 

"I know, we need to plan... These past few months haven't exactly been normal." Pippa sighed. 

"I'll help!" Jasmine laughed. We engrossed ourselves in a wedding conversation and we couldn't have been happier thinking of everything to do. Of course it was going to be stressful, but at least it was all going to be worth it in the end. 

*Two Weeks Later*

"Ow!" I jumped up and saw Pippa sucking her pointer finger.

"What happened?" I asked her while buttoning up my shirt. 

"Damn straightener..." She muttered while unplugging the little machine. I laughed and walked over to her while she put her hair together. "What?" She asked. 

"You're beautiful." I said while kissing the top of her head. She smiled and held my hands as they rested on her shoulders. "You better finish getting ready. Tony awards are a big thing." I smiled. 

"We aren't even nominated for anything. We're just going because we're allowed to." She said sarcastically and put on her earrings.

"Way to be positive? Don't you hope that a few people you know and admire get them? Don't you want to have fun while you perform your most lovely song with your sisters one last time?" I sang the last part which got her to laugh really hard. 

"God Lin. I was kidding. I am excited. Both of us are nominated for an award and it makes me giddy." She smiled. 

"Well, you're nominated for just one..." I started. She pinched my arm and glared at me. "What?! It's true! I have been nominated for eleven! Eleven! Do you know how many times I have to get up if I win all of those?!" I groaned. She walked passed me in her heels and I heard them clicking into the kitchen. I wasn't trying to brag, but she did have a few Tony awards already... "Pip, are you mad?" I asked while walking out. 

"No." She laughed. "I just hate hearing that you're going to be oh so popular again." Her smile went to a little one and I frowned.. She was upset.. I walked over to hug her and she rested her head on my shoulder. 

"Talk to me." I whispered. 

"You're going to be all over the place again... Just I remember when I lived here before we got together and you were just always gone after you won so many awards..." She frowned. I rubbed her back and tried my best to comfort her. 

"I promise I won't go anywhere without you or Max." I whispered. She nodded and rested her forehead on mine. "I love you." I smiled. 

"I love you too." She laughed. I pressed my lips against hers and got her to smile even more. "We should try and finish getting ready." She said while holding up my tie that I placed on the counter earlier. 

"Fine." I groaned. 


We had an incredible time. Pippa didn't win her category, but she was happy for me when I won all of mine. Of course, it was a group effort when Hamilton won their categories too. Everyone waited to perform side stage and Pippa was hugging Renee. 

"I can't believe you didn't win!" She gasped. 

"It's fine! It's fine! Really! At least I get to go home with the man who took home eleven." She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her remark. Always has to be a little bit of a joker. We went on stage to perform Schuyler Sisters and we couldn't have been happier. What a way to end an awards show. 

"Well." I said while grabbing Pippa by her waist. "We did it." I smiled. She turned around to face me and smiled. "Even if you won't get anything out of it." I shrugged. 

"Lin... I have other awards. I'm not going to be upset because I didn't win this year. One year when I come back to all of this, I'll win another." She smirked. 

"You're just so passionate about winning aren't you." I laughed. She shrugged and kissed my cheek. 

"Let's get back home to our son. He is the best award I've ever gotten." She smiled. After everyone said their goodbyes, we left. Time to hide away for a little bit and take a well needed break. Not a vacation just yet, but a well deserved break. A stay-cation. When we got back, Tobi jumped all over our legs. My parents had Max for the night since we were going to be home late. Which we were. Very late. Near midnight late. 

"You know what'll be fun for old times sake?" I smirked. 

"No." Pippa pointed. "I know that look and it's a no mister." She said while taking the pins out of her hair. 

"I meant sit out in the hall with Tobi and play with her." I laughed. "Your mind is naughty!" I gasped. 

"Honestly Lin. I'm really tired... Can it wait until tomorrow? We can take her with us to get Max and then probably go to the park? Have a nice walk..." She smiled. 

"I would love that." 

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