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****I have this new idea for a lippa story that not everyone may be fond of... Its definitely different I'll say that. But I'm on the fence about posting it. If anyone would like to read something completely off the wall please let me know. I'm worried people won't like it. Also, more Lin and Max bonding yay!!****

December 2017

Lin's POV

We were back in New York, and just in time for Christmas. I was officially done with everything overseas and it felt great to be back at home. Max was busy playing in his room with his new toys and Marie was sitting up playing with her stuffed giraffes.

"It feels great to finally sit down and actually eat something." I said while taking a bite of a reindeer cookie. Pippa sat on the other couch trying to put together one of Max's new toys that we had gotten him.

"Yeah.." She mumbled while reading the instructions of his new play set.

"Want me to help?" I asked. She nodded and I slid down to help her. Why were kid toys so confusing? After an hour of reading the instructions, and every fifteen seconds the same 'are you done yet' question from Max, we finished. Marie had fallen asleep on her blanket with her little giraffes all collected under her. "She's so cute." I smiled.

"Yeah she is." Pippa sighed.

"Why so upset?" I frowned.

"She isn't crawling... She just barely learned how to sit on her own last week... I'm still terrified she's going to fall over." She frowned. I looked over at Marie and felt a little ping of guilt... I hadn't been around much to see her really get to where she was... Max was so advanced for his age that it scared me... But Marie didn't show any interest in anything...

"It'll be okay." I said while rubbing her arm. She sighed and leaned back into me. "I promise. She's just a bit behind is all."

"Do you think she'll catch up?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

January 2018

After Christmas, and after New Years, we had only a few more months until we were going to be married. Shooting for at least March. Marie had started to crawl, which made Pippa not so worried and after a visit to the doctor he reassured her that she was exactly where she needed to be on everything.

"Mommy!" Max cried. "Mommy!" He screamed. I ran into his room since Pippa was busy with Marie.

"What's wrong buddy?" I frowned.

"I want Mommy!" He cried. I sighed and looked down the hall to see Pippa shaking her head and pointing.

"Mommy's busy right now. She's taking care of Marie." I said quietly. "What's wrong?"

"I had bad dream." He sniffed. "And I pee.." He started crying even harder. I sighed and lifted him out of his soaking bed. Two in the morning with Marie screaming, then Max having bad dreams. I knew I shouldn't have let him watch me play those video games. But I wasn't going to let Pippa know she was right either...

"Let's get you into the tub and these in the wash. You'll sleep in our bed tonight." I sighed. "Go wait in the bathroom." I said while pulling his sheets off his bed. Boy I couldn't wait for him to be older so this wouldn't happen.

The tub was filled up and had a sniffling Max when I got into the bathroom. Pippa stood in the doorway watching him while I did his washing.

"You fix this." She pointed.

"I will, I will." I said while holding my hands up in defense.

"I mean it Lin." She said while walking back into our bedroom. I knelt down next to the tub and started to wash Max off.

"I'm sorry Daddy." He sniffed.

"It's alright. We all have accidents. Don't worry." I said quietly. "What was your nightmare?" I asked.

"That you didn't come home. And you got hurt." He frowned. I was confused. Maybe this wasn't my video game monster violence...

"What?" I asked. He shook his head and I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. "Max, I'm always going to come home. If I don't, you know I always FaceTime mommy and let her know ahead of time." I smiled.

"I know.. But you forgot in my bad dream." He frowned. I sighed and rinsed him off.

"Well no more bad dreams about that. I'm here." I said while draining the tub. I held out his towel and pulled him out to dry him off. "Mommy and Daddy are always going to come home from wherever we have to be." I said while drying his hair. "Now let's get new pjs on and get to bed." I smiled.

"Okay daddy." He said while running to his room. I walked out towards my room and saw Pippa sitting in bed.

"Not my video games. What were you watching today?" I asked her while crossing my arms.

"I had the news on for a bit. Then I watched nothing but cartoons after Max woke up." She shrugged. "Why?" She asked.

"He had a nightmare that I didn't come home." I said quietly. She frowned and threw a pillow from her side towards the middle of the bed.

"He might've seen something. I don't know." She sighed. I shrugged and walked back into the bedroom to see Max searching for his pjs. I helped him into his new onesie. A Superman one obviously. And carried him into our room. Pippa held out her arms and Max launched himself into her arms.

"I see what I am now." I scoffed playfully.

"Mommy loves you so much." She said while wrapping her arms around him. She kissed his head, causing him to start giggling. "Your sister is asleep. So you have to whisper." She said while holding her finger to her lips. He nodded, mimicking her movements and smile. I climbed into bed, watching Max slide right in between us, getting himself comfortable.

"Goodnight Mommy. Goodnight daddy." He yawned.

"Goodnight my little Max." Pippa whispered.

"Goodnight Max." I yawned. Now that all the family was falling asleep in the bedroom, I could finally relax. At least until the washer dinged that it was done washing. Now that I hated.

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