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word count: [3187]

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"Girl, it's too early for this," Sharon groaned just as we opened the diner.

I chuckled a bit. "Share, we do this every day." I got behind the counter and put on the apron. I grabbed Sharon's at handed it to her too.

She reached out and grabbed it lazily. "Just because we do it every day doesn't mean I like it."

"It should mean you get used to it, right?" I questioned.

She waved her hand. "Whatever. No one can be as happy as you through every hour of every day." She got behind the counter with me because no one was here yet, and she didn't have to go to her station.

"When's Hazel coming back? I need her back to balance out your light mood all the time."

Hazel is my other best friend besides my mother. She used to come around to keep me company at the diner so much that she eventually began to sometimes help around. She's been backpacking the world with her boyfriend for the last two months or so since school ended. I missed having her around. We haven't been in touch much because she barely got service, and even when she could, she never stayed at one place long enough for us to have a decent conversation. I couldn't wait to catch up with her.

"She said she's coming back next week," I smiled. "But considering, she has a boyfriend of a couple years, she should be the happier one."

Sharon stared at me. "You're right, but you got her beat. Who would've guessed?" She shrugged in a sarcastic manner.

"Stop," I groaned as she laughed. "There's nothing wrong with being happy and optimistic."

Her smile settled. "You're right. I'd do anything to keep a positive outlook like you do. Would help a lot with Leo and me."

I gave her a sympathetic smile. I rested my head on her shoulder. "You and Leo are gonna be alright. You know my mom and I are with you 100%. Hazel is even cheering for you guys from wherever she is right now. Leo loves you and you love Leo. The court is gonna see that."

She ruffled my hair. "I may act like I hated you sometimes, but I don't know what I'd do without you, kid."

I smiled and kind of ruffled my hair back in place. I lifted my head from his shoulder. "Always here for you second mama."

She looked at me and said in a stern voice, "What'd we say about calling me that?" I knew she was trying to be strict, but that hint of a smile in her eyes gave her away. "Time to get to work." She said as a couple walked through the doors. Sharon eyed them with a look of disgust. "Seriously, what is up with kids today?" She shook her head and headed into the kitchen.

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