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please don't hate me, but thank you for 20k reads and 1k votes! keep them coming!
the song is personal by the vamps :-)

please don't hate me, but thank you for 20k reads and 1k votes! keep them coming!the song is personal by the vamps :-)

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word count: [2944]

I sat at a table, drinking my coffee. With all the work Terry is handing over to me, I really needed this coffee—more than ever before. I rubbed my forehead thinking about all the other things she wants me to do.

I picked up my coffee again. The cup was touching my lips and just as I was about to take a sip, someone bumped into my leg. It startled me and made me spill some on my shirt. I was really grateful that I had left the coffee to sit a bit, so it wasn't boiling hot.

"Oh my gosh," I said, looking down to see what had happened.

I spotted two little boys laying on the ground. I instantly forgot about the coffee that spilled on me, placing the coffee down and kneeling beside the boys.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, worried.

One of the boys just jumped up, like he wasn't just knocked down, and pointed at the other boy with a wide grin. "You're it!"

The other boy got up. "You cheated!" He accused his brother—or I'm assuming it's his brother.

"Boys! What did I say about playing tag in public, especially in a small area?" A voice commanded.

I looked up at the new voice and everything seemed to stop. His face looked familiar, too familiar, but the dots weren't exactly connecting in my head because it couldn't be. It just couldn't be. I was honestly beginning to believe he was a myth or something, but I knew him. I knew his face. It was the same one my mom kept hidden in all her books. It's the same face that the words, "dedicated to Bryan," was meant for in her first book.

At this realization, I ducked my head down, so quickly that I could have sworn I almost snapped my neck.

He's here. Oh my gosh, he's here. He's here. Why is he here? Why? Why? Why? Why now?

I was so caught up in my overwhelming thought that I didn't realize he was speaking to me. "-me a headache. I'm sorry."

I kept my head down. "It's okay," I said quietly, adding quickly after that, "I have to go."

I grabbed whatever is left of my coffee and basically dashed out the door.

I could hear him calling me and repeating his apologies, but his voice was drowned by my thoughts.

That's... He's... Why?

I powerwalked across the street before stopping to catch my breath. I put my hand on the wall to balance myself. I caught myself wanting to glance over at him again, so I did.

I knew for sure it was him. My breath got caught up in my throat. I never thought I'd see him. Growing up, I only knew one thing... he was just the one that left my mom, that left us. He was the one that left my mom heartbroken. He's the reason why she's still heartbroken.

UNBREAKABLE ↠ BRANDON ARREAGAWhere stories live. Discover now