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there's an author's note at the beginning and the end of this chapter. please read both as they are equally important.

all fluff. this chapter was so hard to write because i wanted to write it in a way that showcased eliana's and brandon's relationship because no matter what, they have such a strong connection. i love their relationship and i've always wanted them to make it from the start, but i wanted it to be in the way where they both respect each other. i also wanted to pay respect to eliana because brandon hurt her and he was mostly the one in the wrong. i didn't want to disrespect her character in any way and make her sound weak. it was hard to struggle those two things, but i hoped i did them both justice. i tried really hard. if not, my apologies, but you guys know what my true intentions are.



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word count: [2875]

Last night, nothing happened between Brandon and me. Well, nothing physically happened, but a lot changed between us. There was a shift in our relationship. I guess there had been a shift for quite a while, but now, it was more prominent. We were both willing to acknowledge the shift.

We fell asleep together in his bed and admittedly, it wasn't the first time since we rekindled our friendship. We had made it a habit to always wake up together and fall asleep together so we were each other's first sight in the morning and last sight in the night. I don't know how I had been so oblivious this entire time. I don't know how I had managed to overlook how at home I felt in his arms, even in his bed. I don't know how I didn't realize how Brandon's breath seemed to keep going steady as mine staggered off when I was drifting off into sleep cuddled in his arms. I don't know how I didn't realize that he was waiting for me to fall asleep and making sure that I was content before he allowed himself to be. I don't know how I didn't realize what that meant, especially to him.

However, last night, when I fell asleep in his arms, it was different. It wasn't necessarily a bad different, but that didn't mean that I wasn't still scared of how different it was. He had been drinking a bit with the boys so he was a bit doozy, but he still whispered sweet nothings into my ear as I fell asleep. It was different because I felt so loved. It was so different because, in his arms, I realized that I'd rather have bad times with him than have good times with anyone else. That I'd rather have harder times together than to have it easy apart. That I'd rather have him hold my heart, despite the chance of it not working out again because we deserved that chance. We deserved to feel like that again. We deserved it all, and I wanted it all. I wanted it all with him.

"Baby girl," he said in his sleepy voice, "I know you're awake, and I know you've been awake for a while now. Not sure how creepy that is, but I'll let it pass because you look extra cute in the morning."

I turned around in his arms and tilted my head up. "I know we both have morning breath, but is it okay if I kiss you right now?"

His eyes opened fully now, and there were so many things I could see. It would've scared me before, but now, I can see how much love there is in them and all I want to do is take that chance. He looked even shocked that I had asked him such a question, but then he recovered and almost every emotion washed away. His face looked soft again and so did his eyes. "You never have to ask again," he whispered before closing the distance between us.

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