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word count: [3231]

"Stop looking at those dumb magazines," Hazel said, placing the coffees that she made on the table. She sat down next to me, ripping the magazines from out of my hands.

"I called you here for moral support, not to judge me," I groaned, my head falling back to the coach.

"I am giving you support," she told me, "by telling you not to read those dumb magazines."

"She's so pretty," I groaned, closing my eyes.

"So are you," she affirmed. "Stop stressing yourself out. You know that all these rumors," she put air quotes over the last word, "are not true."

"I know," I moaned, peeking a glance at Hazel with one eye. "Am I really prettier than her or are you just saying that?"

She groaned loudly and overdramatically. "Eliana, sweetie, Brandon is crazy for you. He doesn't even see any other girls." She took a sip of her coffee before yelping about it being too hot.

"I know. I just miss him," I cried, laying on my side.

"You are really pathetic," she said slowly, patting my head. "Thank god you're going to be out of this state soon," she mumbled under her breath.

"What?" I asked dazedly because I didn't really get this.

She waved it off. "Nevermind." My phone rang at that moment. Hazel looked over at it and picked it up. She waved it, back and forth, in front of my face. "Look who's boyfriend is calling."

I jumped up, grabbing my phone out of her hand. I shot her a look that said to be quiet. She nodded, mumbling a 'yeah, yeah,' before backing away on the couch and sipping her coffee again.

"Brandon!" I greeted.

"Someone missed me?" He teased with a bright grin on his face.

"Shut up," I laughed. "How's it going?"

"We did some more interviews," he told me. "You know, the usual. It's so boring without you here making faces while we answer questions."

"Okay, that one interviewer asked you to name all your toes," I said. I scrunched my face up in disgust at the memory.

He did too, but he looked more amused. "I miss you," he said.

"When are you coming back?" I asked.

"Look behind you," he said, and suddenly, his voice sounded much closer.

I turned around and saw him just standing there. I gasped, before jumping over the couch and running towards him. I launched myself into his arm, and he caught me with a laugh. I clung to him so tight, and it felt so nice to have his arms around me again.

"You're home," I said, without even thinking about what it meant because it didn't matter. He's here. With me.

He buried his hand in my hair and his head in the shell of my neck. "I'm home," he whispered.

UNBREAKABLE ↠ BRANDON ARREAGAWhere stories live. Discover now