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so so sorry for the late update! i finished this a few days ago, but it didn't publish fully because i didn't have internet and i didn't know!

so so sorry for the late update! i finished this a few days ago, but it didn't publish fully because i didn't have internet and i didn't know!

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word count: [3544]

"Baby girl, I can feel you shaking," Brandon noted, looking down at me.

I pulled my hand from his. "Sorry," I apologized shyly.

He smiled and grabbed my hand again. "It's okay. Why are you shaking like that?"

"I'm nervous."

He chuckled. "I didn't notice."

I hid my embarrassed smile as I ducked my head in his shoulder. "It's so crowded out there."

We were currently sitting in the airplane, waiting for the pilot to tell us that we can leave. We were arriving in LA and since this is their home base, I already knew it was going to be way more crowded than where I'm from.

"Hey, I know," he said in a soothing tone. "I already prepped my team. You can go straight to our car from the other side, so no one will notice you. Even if I'm seen with you, they know you're our publicist so it wouldn't be too bad. I know you don't want to deal with the crowd at all though and since you're associated with us, there's going to be some fans who want pictures with you too and some paparazzi you are going to snap pictures. You don't have to go through that. I got it covered. You don't have to face the crowd if you don't want to. You can just wait for us in the car. It'll take a while, but-"

"Brandon, you're rambling," I laughed. He blushed and I kissed his crimson cheeks. "You're right. It's cute. I like seeing you ramble like that, especially when you're talking about something that means a lot to me."

He kissed my forehead gently. "I would never want to push you to do something you're not comfortable with. Plus, keeping our relationship a secret is kind of fun."

I peeked up at him. "I was kind of thinking," I said, biting my lip. He raised an eyebrow at me. "I was kind of thinking that I'm okay with going public with us."

His eyes widened at my statement. He seemed so surprised that it was a bit funny. It seemed like his eyebrows were going to shoot up all the way to his hairline. "What?" He questioned, still shocked.

"Yeah, I mean," I started, playing with the sleeves of his shirt, "sure, everyone freaking out about our relationship might freak me out a bit too, but I can handle it." I held my head up high to show that I was confident about this.

He grabbed both of my hands and squeezed. It was becoming like a usual thing for us. We always grabbed each other's hand to offer comfort to the other. It was one of my favorite things about our relationship.

"You don't have to," he whispered.

"Really, it's fine," I smiled, meaning every word I said. "I can handle it, especially with you by my side. You hate all the attention on you, maybe even as much as I do, but you put up with it for something you love. I'm willing to do the same thing. We shouldn't be keeping our relationship a secret because it makes me really happy, and I want to share that with the world."

UNBREAKABLE ↠ BRANDON ARREAGAWhere stories live. Discover now