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i also published a new story. it's one of my old ones but i just changed it up a bit. it's one of my favorites because it's so different, so please go check it out!

 it's one of my favorites because it's so different, so please go check it out!

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word count: [3245]

I would have to say that I'm in the same boat as him. That's why I immediately sat upright when he walked in and kind of fixed my appearance like my dad was going to like me any less based on how I looked.

"Hey," I said back to him, scooting over so that he could sit next to me on my bed. "What's up?" I asked him, a bit awkwardly too.

"Your mom and I both noticed that you've been down ever since you got back," he said. His voice was a bit soft like he was scared that he was going to break me. I would be annoyed if I wasn't touched by how much he cared and how much effort he was putting into our relationship.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that why you guys have been staring at me this whole time?" Then, something came to mind, and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Is this why Jason and Mason kept on insisting that I smile and wouldn't leave me alone until I laughed at all of their jokes?"

He smiled shyly. "Guilty," he said with a smirk. "We're just worried for you. We know it has something to do with your boyfriend, Brandon, but you won't talk to us about it. We respect your privacy—that's why we haven't asked Hazel about it—but I just wanted to tell you that we are your parents and we are both here for you."

I gave him a hug, which caught him by surprise. I think he was delighted though because I could feel his smile. It made me smile too.

"So why did mom send you?" I asked, still hugging him. It was nice to have a father presence again.

"Wow, you're good," he said, letting me go. "We both agreed that I'd be the best parent to talk to you about this, but you can talk to either of us. It's your choice."

"Oh, why is that?" I asked curiously.

"I've learned a lot about relationships in the past years."

"Brandon and I broke up," I said, all in one breath. He nodded, without interrupting me and giving me time to explain things further to him. "We broke up the day I got back from my work with the organization. I went to surprise him, but he was with his first love. He obviously still had feelings for her, or I guess he was just confused about his feelings. Whatever it was, it made me feel like... trash," I say for lack of better words. "Because if he truly loved me, what was he so confused about?" I sigh. "He's in town now. He came by the other day, saying how sorry he is and saying how much he loves me, but I can't- I just can't."

He nodded and he looked at me with such an understanding that it made me invalidated. He didn't look at me with judgment. He didn't make me feel like I made a dumb decision because the guy I love was begging for me to be his again, and I was just rejecting him.

UNBREAKABLE ↠ BRANDON ARREAGAWhere stories live. Discover now