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sorry for being annoying, but i'm so excited for the next few chapters!!

so this chapter is going to be about the first month she's gone. make sure to leave a vote and comment because next chapter is gonna be crazy. i have the three months she's gonna be gone all planned out already!

 i have the three months she's gonna be gone all planned out already!

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word count: [2384]

At first, things were okay. They weren't great or the same as before, obviously, because it's something to go from seeing and touching each other every day to just... not. However, things weren't bad. We didn't fight over the distance. I felt like we loved each other just the same; it was just that we had to love each other from thousands of miles apart.

So, we were fine. It felt like it could work, that things were changing, but it wasn't necessarily a bad change.

When I dropped him off at the airport, I clung onto him until he had to go. It was the whole deal. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my legs were wrapped around his torso. It was like I knew I was going to miss his touch, so I held onto it for as long as I could like it would just make up for the lost time.

After a while, he had gotten tired, so he sat down on a chair with me in his lap, sideways. He had stroked my head and said, "I have to go soon."

If it was possible, I held onto him even tighter. "Can't you just stay for a while longer?" I had asked.

I couldn't see his face, but I had known that he was pouting just like I was. "I wish I could, baby girl."

I had kissed the corner of his jaw before leaning up to give him a kiss on the lips. It felt and even tasted bittersweet. I was going to miss his kisses. There was nothing else like it.

"I thought you didn't like PDA," he had teased against my lips.

I don't because of all the cameras and all the pictures that were going to end up on the internet and the comments that people were inevitably going to make about me and our relationship. This was a different type of situation though. I wasn't going to see him for three months. I didn't have time to care about something so trivial—compared to everything else, that is.

He had seemed to understand that because he didn't wait for my response.

The first month had been a hard challenge, at least in the beginning, because we had to get used to only seeing each other on Facetime for only a few hours a day—sometimes it was only for a few moments. We had tried to text constantly, but the time zones were hard, and we were both busy and tired. He had long rehearsals and shows, and I had a lot of responsibilities.

"Hello," I had greeted with a shy smile. It was only the second day.

He looked tired, but so did I. His eyes were a bit drowsy and red. He looked like he could fall asleep any moment now, and I know it was because he just came back from a show. It was almost midnight where he was, while the sun was barely coming out for me.

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