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word count: [2048]

He ran both of his hands over his face--which was a clear indicator that he was stressed because he usually only used one hand for the act. "The video was on your phone."

I looked at him in disbelief. I understood why he was upset, but can't he see that I was just as shocked and upset as he was. "I don't know?"

"How can you not know?" Usually, in situations like this, I'd expect him to sound angrier, but he doesn't. He just sounds empty like half of him doesn't even care anymore and the other half is forced to care. His tone was low and soft but I can tell he was still stressed from the wrinkles on his forehead.

"It's not like I leaked the video! I know how important this is to you!" I said, probably sounding desperate. Everything is falling important. "I would never do this to you. I know how important your image is to you. I also know how truly kind and affectionate you are, which is totally different than what your reputation is. I know how hard you tried to prove everyone wrong, and I would never take that away from you because I want you to prove them wrong too. I want them to see the person I see every day. I know you hate this, especially this, and I love you, which is why I would never, in a billion years, do this. I don't know how the video got out, but I'm still so, so sorry."

He stared at me, unmoving and not saying a single word. His eyes looked empty too, and it broke me inside, realizing that I couldn't read what he was thinking.

Then, he finally moved and he started to walk over to me. He began to lift his hand--admittedly, I was scared that he'd push me away or something--and he cupped my face. He held me in the gentlest hold that made me want to melt away.

"I know, I know," he whispered. "I-I'm just-"

"Stressed?" I finished for him.

"Very," he said, laughing a bit, despite the situation.

He pulled my head down to rest on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

"Why does this always happen to me and why do I let it happen? Why couldn't I just told everyone the truth?" He asked, but it wasn't really to anyone. It was more like he was just putting the question out there because he couldn't hold it in anymore.

It pained me to see him like this, but I knew the answer to his question. I have always known why. It was obvious from the day we met.

He released me from the hug and looked down at me. He must have seen the look in my face and the realization that crossed it. "What?"

"It's because you're afraid. Your image has always been your greatest insecurity," I said gently, not wanting to offend him. I wasn't sure if it was rude of me to say these things like I knew him better than he did himself. It's just that we always talked around this particular subject, but he never truly admitted it. "You don't want to look like someone you're not. You don't ever want the media to twist who you are. You don't want to get incorrectly judged by the public. You just want to be able to do what you love while maintaining who you are. You don't want your fans thinking you've changed."

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