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we didn't reach our goal on the last chapter but it's christmas so merry christmas 🎄 !

we didn't reach our goal on the last chapter but it's christmas so merry christmas 🎄 !

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word count: [3058]

"You want me to, what?" I questioned Terry.

She lifted her eyes from her papers and looked at me incredulously. "We need you to go to LA with the boys."

"You want me to fly out to Los Angeles with them? For what? Why me?" I asked eyes opened wide at her.

She sighed, annoyed. "This is an opportunity you should not take for granted. It's not every day you get an offer to fly to Los Angeles for free and stay the whole trip for free as well."

I bit my lip, reminding myself that it wasn't a good idea to angrily demand what she meant by that. I know she was judging me, but I don't know why and I don't like it either. I breathed deeply and asked, "Why can't you go?"

"Because I'm busy with other stuff, and you're free," she answered, not even looking up at me.

"How do you know I'm free?" At this point, I'm just being stubborn because I am free, but I just don't like her.

"Do I have to remind you that we're paying you?" She questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.

I let out a defeated sigh. "What will I be doing?"

"We need you to accompany the boys to make sure they are kept on track. We need you to monitor what they say in interviews and keep them out of trouble. We need you to especially keep your eyes on Brandon. Don't let him go to clubs or be seen with any other girl, besides Corinna or you."

"Okay," I agreed. Their management seems to always be on the lookout for what Brandon is doing. It makes me wonder how extreme the situation was back then. I mean, it can't be that bad, right? I can barely wrap my head around the fact that Brandon is presumably this "party-animal" kind of guy. He seems like such an introvert now.

"Pack now. You're leaving in a few hours," she informed me.

My eyes widened. "And you're telling me this now?" I exclaimed.

She looked unbothered by my outburst. "I'm your boss. I can tell you things when I want to tell you."

I huffed. "It's less rude if you could tell me as soon as possible," I mumbled under my breath. It was final. I wasn't a big fan of my boss, but who was?

She peeked up at me through her glasses. "What did you say?"

"Nothing," I grumbled.

I stay seated for a few moments before she lifted her head to look up at me. She stared blankly at me. "You can go now."

"Right," I stated.

❅ ❅ ❅

"Mom?" I called out. I closed the door with the heel of my foot. I placed the Chinese food containers on the table before going into the living room to search for her. "Mom? Are you home?" I questioned.

UNBREAKABLE ↠ BRANDON ARREAGAWhere stories live. Discover now