Chapter 9

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After the switch was made with the vault, more police cars started to follow us, still believing we had the real vault. This time, a lot more than before.

We make a turn onto the bridge, hoping for a safe drive but the cops behind us say otherwise. "Hey, there's too many of them. We're not going to make it," I say worriedly into the walky, glancing to the bridge and back to the review mirror.

"You're right, we aren't. You are," Dom says, causing me to turn my head and look at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

Mia came over the walky, "Just let the vault go. Get out of there."

"Like I said form the beginning Em, I don't want you part of this." As if on cue, Dom pushes a button in his car, causing my hook to release the vault and fly back into the car.

"Dom! Dom!" I yell into the walky only to watch as Dom's car yanks to a stop. Turning his car, he faces the police cars, speeding forward with more speed than before.

One truck starts shooting at him, causing Dom to swerve his car which causes the vault to swerve into the other lane. At the last second, Dom jumps out of the car, letting his car fly in the air and land on the only car left.

I turn my car around, stopping right before I hit Dom and stepping out, grabbing the gun under my seat.

Reyes bodyguard, Zizi, is the first to crawl from under the crushed car. He stands up, holding his side with one hand while the other is aiming a gun at Dom. He mouths a word before a gun fire is heard.

But not from Zizi.

Zizi falls to the ground dead, causing Dom to turn around and meet my eyes. I lower the gun as Brian pulls up in his car, getting out and looking between Zizi's body and Dom and I.

Hobbs and Elena pull up on the other side, climbing out to head over to us.

"I thought I told you to go on," Dom says as I slide my gun into my back pocket. "Yeah, well, when do I ever listen to you?"

Reyes crawls out of the damaged car, lying on his back as he held out his hand to Hobbs who is walking towards him with Elena. "Please help me," Reyes cried but it's no use, Hobbs pulls out his gun and fires it twice at Reye's head.

"That's for my team, you son of a bitch."

Hobbs joins the small group, stopping in front of us as he looks around, "It's a hell of a mess. You know I can't let you three go, I ain't made that way. The way I see it, you've earned yourselves 24 hours."

A small smile forms on my face as I cross my arms over my chest.

"The money stays, though. If I were you, I'd use the time. Make peace with whatever demons you got left. Because come tomorrow, I will find you."

Dom smiles, looking down at the ground before looking back at Hobbs. His arm lays across my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, "We'll see Hobbs. We'll see."

Hobbs smiles slightly before watching us get into our cars Dom joining me in mine, before racing off.

"You know, the only thing I regret, is not seeing Hobbs' face when he finds out theirs no money in that vault. Dom smiles and looks over at me, "Yeah, that's be a sight to remember."

He takes one of my hands in his before giving it a kiss and watching the road before us.

The drive is peacefully silent, our nerves calmed as we drive up to the warehouse where everyone is already waiting. Tej is already trying to break in while everyone gathers around him. "Come on baby, don't be mean, come on."

Dom, Brian and I join the group, Brian hugging Mia as we all wait. Suddenly, the sound of a click is heard, causing everyone to hold their breath.

We knew the vault was ours and the money was inside, but the fear that it was all a joke still lingered in everyone's mind. My hand couldn't help but find Dom's gripping it a little.

Tej turns the wheel opening the vault door to reveal the money inside. It pours onto the floor, shaken up from the drive here. Everyone gasps, smiles, even I can't contain the jump up and down which causes Dom to smile and laugh.

Everyone starts to take their share, shoving it in bags and throwing it into their vehicles to live their lives as rich people.

"Don't forget to stay in touch and I want to know if there are any weddings or babies on the way," Gisele said with a smile as she hugs me. A small laugh left my lips, "Cool it Gisele, I don't think that's happening anytime soon."

Hans walks over, wrapping an arm around Gisele which causes me to smirk slightly at her. As if on cue, Tej, Rico, and Tego all yell over to us, "Bye Mrs. Toretto."

"Yeah, bye Mrs. Toretto," Hans smirks at me as he pulls Gisele over to his car. She gives me one last smirk before joining Hans and driving off.

Suddenly, I felt Dom's big, strong arms, wrap around my waist, his head leaning on my shoulder. "So, where would you like to go? France? New York? Germany?" I smile, a small laugh leaving my lips as I look at the two, money filled, bags that sat on the table before us.

"I think we make one quick stop first," I say before turning to look at Dom with a smile.

We grab out money, throwing it into the back of Dom's car. He grabs his hook, tightening the wire as he hooks up his damaged Charger to the back of his car. We climb in, driving off to just down the road.

Dom writes the letter while I fill a small bag before sneaking inside the houses before us. The note is set on top of the money that sits on the table when you first walk in, prefect for Vincent's wife and son to see.

"For Rosa and Nico. See you soon, -Uncle Dom and Aunt Emily"

"So, what's first?" Dom asks as I look over at him. "How about this," I say, crawling onto his lap and giving him a kiss. He smiles as he pulls away, holding my waist with his hands.

"I love you so much Dom."

"I love you so much more Em."

Here's the last chapter in Part 1, would you like a Part 2 following Fast and Furious 6? Let me know in the comments below and I just might do it!

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