Chapter 2

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Dom's POV

I was excited, happy. I was going to be a dad. The thought had always crossed my mind, but it wasn't until Brian and Mia had Jack did I really consider it all. Though Emily and I never talked about it, I knew she wanted kids too. And now, we were going to have one.

After hearing the news, I went out and grabbed some groceries and some flowers for Em. As I walked down the side street that was right by the house, my eyes caught sight of a long, straight, blonde haired women trying to start her car. Making my way over to the women, I asked, "Can I help you with that?"

"What?" The lady asked, looking over at me. "You need a hand?" I asked again, making her smile and nod, "Yeah, I think I do."

Setting down the bag and flowers, I made my way over to the car, "Sounds like you're not getting any fuel. Let's see if we can get some power into it." "Thank you," The women says to me as I look over the engine. Catching sight of the flowers, the women asked me, "Who are the flowers for?"

"My wife, I just recently found out I'm having a baby," I said, looking over to her with an excited smile before focusing back onto the engine. "Congratulations," The women says to me, before there is a moment of silence.

My attention was caught up into the engine, finding the cause of it. Before I could speak up about it, the women shocked me with her question, "How is that honeymoon going Dom?"

As I realized I hadn't told her my name, or that I was on my Honeymoon, I realized that this was much more than a car problem. Giving her a confused and cautious look, I stood up straighter and said, "Your fuel relay is missing." "I know," She says before holding up the fuel relay, confirming my thoughts.

A sigh left my lips, "I'd love to play games, beaten the best of them, but I'm kinda in a rush, so if you got something to say to me..." I started but my voice trailed off.

The lady shook her head, "Oh this is a very different game that I can assure you. There is something much greater at work here. This is fate." "I choose to make my own fate," I said to the lady, crossing my arms.

Shaking her head, the women carried on, "Not today. This is the road you take to your house every morning. What else is different, Dom? The Santiago's closed? Did you have to cross two blocks to go get your Cuban coffee? So, what is it? Black, no sugar?" As the words left her lips, my eyes began to study her like she was the villain, and in this moment, she was. "Yeah, I've put a lot of work into getting you here in today," She said, reading my mind.

"Now that I'm here, what do you want?" I asked?

The lady smiled slightly, "I want you to work for me." My eyebrows rose, "Work for you? Well, I could have saved you a lot of time then. See, I don't work for anyone."

I started to walk away, grabbing the bag before stopping when the lady spoke up again, "You can't walk away from this Dom. We're gonna have this conversation one way or the other. See that's the funny thing about fate. It's cunning. It can bring you beautiful things, and it can also bring you moments like this," She said, walking over to me and holding out her phone.

I glance at the phone before taking it. As I take the phone my eyes look over it, at first not understanding what I'm seeing until the picture zooms in on its own, revealing what looks to be a live feed of Emily in the house, folding clothes. In the corner of the phone read "Sniper" making my heart plummet even more.

The lady spoke up again, "You'll want to work for me. You're gonna betray your brothers, abandon your code, shatter your family. See, your team, is about to go up against the only thing they can't handle."

"What's that?" I asked, looking up at the lady with anger.

"You," She said, taking her phone back. I watched every move closely as she walked past me, stopping and looking back at me, "Oh, and Dom, I wouldn't mention this to anyone." With that, she gets into her car and drives off as if nothing had happened.

My hands were shaking at this point, both with anger and worriedness. It didn't take me long before I had ran home, walking into the house and throwing the bag and flowers towards a table.

"Emily!" I yelled out, looking in one room after another. "Emily!" I yelled again, walking into our bedroom and letting out a sigh of relief when I spotted Emily walking out of our bathroom. She had a confused look on her face as she looked at me curiously.

I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her. "Dom," She started but stopped, slowly wrapped her arms around me before pulling away, "Dom, what's wrong?"

Hearing the women's words in my head once again, I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile, "Nothing. Um, I bought you flowers," I said, grabbing her hand and leading her into the hallway where the flowers sat.

Her concerned and confused look dropped as she took the flowers. "Thank you, I'd ask what the special occasion is, but we're on our Honeymoon and I'm pregnant, so I'm just going to pick one and run with it." She leaned up and gave me a kiss before walking into the kitchen.

Slowly, I walked into our bedroom, my eyes immediately looking out the window. As I approached it, my eyes scanned every building and window in hopes of seeing the sniper, but it was like he was invisible. Or just not there.

I heard, minutes later, Emily walk in and felt her arms wrap themselves around me, stretching to lay her head fully on my shoulder. "You okay? You seem tense," Emily asked, making me nod slowly, whispering back to her, "I'm alright."

Suddenly, my phone rings, causing me to reach into my pocket and see the name "Luke Hobs" light up my screen. Seeing the name, Emily pulled away from me and watched my expression as I talked.

"Hey, Dom," Hobbs said, making my eyes look at Emily, "Hey, Hobbs."

"We got a job in Berlin, and I need a favor, brother," Hobbs said, making my chest take in a deep breath. Something told me that this mission was going to be part of that women's plain.

I wanted nothing more than to tell Hobbs what my encounter with this women was. Or grab Emily and run off into hiding until I knew she and my baby were safe. But I knew better than that. And, in all honesty, I was scared of the outcome if I did either of those things.

"No problem. I'll grab the team and meet you in Berlin," I said, hearing Hobbs say, "Thanks man. I'll see you soon," Before I hung up.

Emily let out a sigh, "Looks like Honeymoon is cut short," She said as she walked away from me. My eyes gave one last glance out the window before I turned around and helped Emily start packing.

Sorry it's such a short chapter but I wanted to do this chapter just in Dom's POV.

Comment what you think the gender of the baby is!

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