Chapter 5

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After Mr. Nobody picked us up in the same plane we jumped out of, everyone was either tired or trying to love struck Ramsey who seemed rather annoyed by it all.

I had laid on one of the outstretched seat, my arms being my pillow as I tried to find a dream. Nothing. It was if my eyes and body were perfectly happy with staying closed while everything else just wanted to toss and turn.

Finally, I had given in and just laid there with my eyes closed, hoping to find at least rest before we escaped to another place.

Suddenly, I felt something being placed over and Brian's voice off a little distance say, "Hey, Dom." The footsteps walked away, making me open my eyes slightly to find Dom's jacket over me.

Brian and Dom had found a corner, not too far away from me, where they started to talk. Me being me, I closed my eyes again and listened in on them, curious to know what was about to be said.

"It was pretty wild on that mountain, huh?" Brian asked making a sharp breath leave Dom's lips, "No, it was too close."

"But we got the job done," Brian paused for a minute, making me wonder if Dom had given him a look that would shut him up or if the subject was going to suddenly change. "You know what the crazy thing is," Brian started but stopped him with the words of his sister.

"You miss the bullets." "Yeah, that's messed up, huh?" Brian asked, making my insides shrug slightly. Not entirely, I mean even when Dom and I would leave town or the state together, we'd always find ourselves starting a fight which would lead to something either start a race or get someone punched. Either way, it usually ended with police showing up and everyone needing a quick escape.

Just like old times.

Dom sounded like he had a smile on his face, "Brian, I've seen you jump from trains, dive from planes. Hell, I saw your courage the day I met you." Brian seemed to lightly say, "Right," as if he didn't believe Dom.

This didn't stop Dom, "Want to know the bravest thing I ever saw you do? Be a good man to Mia. Being a great father to my nephew, Jack. Everyone's looking for the thrill, but what's real is family. Your family. Hold on to that, Brian."

Brian's voice was soft, understanding, "Yeah, I guess you're right." There was another pause, making me think the conversation had ended, yet when Brian spoke up again, I managed to listen in a bit more.

"At least I'm not the only one," Brian said and there was another pause, making me think he was talking about Dom. "Don't think no one saw it, Emily still loves the thrill of a fast drive or a mission. She's more family to us then she's ever been to anyone else's."

If I wasn't pretending I was asleep I would have opened my eyes wide with surprise. They were talking about me? Wow, wasn't expecting that.

Dom's voice was low, yet even I could hear it, "Yeah, she is." There was another pause before I heard footsteps walking over, making me continue to keep my eyes closed. I felt someone sit close by me before a hand was placed on my arm, just sitting there.


"I don't know what I'd do without her," Dom mumbled as if Brian was standing right there. I almost jumped when Brian replied right in front of me, "I don't think any of us would."

With that, there was no more words, I mean minus the ones being yelled out by the captain, "Ten minutes till touchdown!"

A sigh left my lips as I sat up, looking around to find no one but Tej who was sitting, playing on his phone. "Where is everyone?" I asked, my eyes still looking around.

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