Chapter 6

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Cipher stood in front of me, an unhappy look on her face while I just starred at her. She let out a sigh as she shook her head, "I'm disappointed in you, Dom. You were gonna let Emily just walk away with the codes."

"You've got the codes!" I yelled in her face, making her shake her head, "But you almost didn't. You were never going to shoot her, or make the tough choice. So I had too."

"By shooting them? You almost killed them both!" I yelled, done holding back. I may not be able to punch or shoot her, but that doesn't mean I won't yell in her face.

Cipher turns to her computer, typing away on it before pulling up a live screen of Emily back at Mr. Nobody's secret location, sitting on some stairs, and getting her shoulder patched up. Suddenly, a red dot moved from the corner of the room, towards Emily. It crept closer and closer causing my eyes to move to Cipher who was now looking at me.

"Look, Cipher, I did exactly what you asked me to do. Don't do this," I said nervously, my eyes going from her to the screen, back to her.

"This is your doing." "My doing!" I yelled, causing Cipher to take a step back and shake her head. She turned and looked at two of the guards, nodding to them. They disappeared for a minute before returning with someone. At first glance, you could tell it was a girl, but nothing was verified because ropes tired her hands behind her back and a bag covered her face.

The bag is suddenly yanked from the girl's head, revealing a girl.

"Paris," I mumbled out, looking at her with shock. She looked around, fear in her eyes before they settled on me. "Dom, what's, what's going on?" She asked worriedly.

I couldn't answer her, because the truth is, I didn't fully know why she was here.

"I understand why you did what you did. I really do. But it was the wrong choice, and now, you have one more choice. I either kill your wife and unborn child, or I kill her sister."

"Please don't hurt her. I'm begging you," I begged to Cipher, my eyes moving to Paris only to return to Cipher who looked at me angrily. "I don't want you to beg; I want you to learn."

"Learn what?" I asked, getting frustrated with Cipher. She didn't say a word, she only starred at me, waiting for my answer. My eyes looked to the live screen, noticing the red dot sitting right next to Emily, ready to move on her.

Paris' uneasy voice sat in my ears, making me look at her, "It's okay Dom, it's okay. Pick me. She'll understand. Just do it."

"1," Cipher started to count, clearly impatient, "2."

"Paris," I said, my eyes looking to the floor in anger. Before another word could be said, my eyes moved to Paris', watching as one of the guards shot Paris in the head. The second her body touched the floor, my eyes moved to Cipher, looking at her with anger.

I can't believe I just did that.

Emily POV

My mind raced while my eyes just starred at the ground. My butt had found a spot on the stairs, letting a lady come by and patch up my shoulder. The scene back at the alley replayed over and over in my head, trying to find something that I missed.

Then I recalled it. My eyes had caught sight of a man on top of one of the buildings, the man that shot at me, when I went down.

"Can you pull up the footage from the ally?" I asked Tej as I got up from my spot on the small stairs. Tej looked at me confused, "Yeah, why?"

"Someone was shooting at me. If we can find out who, maybe we can find out more information," I said, my eyes looking between Ramsey and Tej.

Just as I hopped, Ramsey had an idea, "Traffic cams." "I got you," Tej said, pulling out his computer and typing away on it. He searched the cameras, stopping on the alley camera before zooming in on top of one of the buildings. A man's face was revealed.

"I recognize that guy. That's Connor Rhodes. He was one of the guys that worked with Decker's brother, one of the guys that took my sister," I said, never being so happy to of had my sister join that ass.

Ramsey pulled up his file, "Connor Rhodes. He's also linked to somebody who I like to forget."

Hobbs must have met this guy because he spoke up, making Ramsey shudder a bit at the name, "Mose Jakande. Warlord who tried to get God's eye." "Which means that's twice that Dom has messed up Cipher's business," Tej said.

"The problem we have with tracking Cipher is there's nothing to trace. Now we have Rhodes' information," Ramsey said with a victory smile.

"What about Cipher? She could be deleting all this crap right now," Roman spoke up, making a point.

"Already getting snapshots of this data before it's scrubbed off the net," Tej said.

Ramsey looked at her computer, noticing something strange on the top corner of one of the file pages, "That looks like somebody's bank accounts?" Hobbs walked over, looking over her shoulder, "There longitude. Given the fact that Dom hit the Russian Motorcade, it's safe to say it's Russia. Go ahead, bring up the map."

Tej pulled up the map, revealing a whole bunch of cities, "Yalta, Poltava. Looks like they just threw letters together. Konyert?"

"It's Vladupi," Someone said, making us all turn around to find Mr. Nobody standing there. "What are you doing here?" Mr. Nothing asked, clearly shocked to see his boss standing here.

Mr. Nobody smiled, "Thought I was gonna check in on you from time to time, to see how you're doing. By the way, not so hot."

Ramsey, getting back to the real problem at hand, "But there's nothing in Vladiven. It's just ice."

Laughing slightly, Mr. Nobody said, "That's funny, could've sworn there was a secret Russian naval base with the neutrophilic cold war Submarines. Well, technically, it's not Russian anymore. Base was taken by a terror grope of military separatists about a month ago. And the Russians haven't taken it back yet. So there is a little window of opportunity here."

All of our mouths dropped in shocked, surprised to hear all of this from Mr. Nobody.

"Russian submarines, nuclear football, it sounds like everything we do our legs gonna be blown off," Roman said. "So much for looking at the positive side," I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

Pointing to Roman, Mr. Nobody said, "That's good thinking champ. Except, unfortunately the Russian Minister of Defense. Got himself involved in little incident on US territory and two governments aren't talking to each other for a while. By the time they do, it will be too late. So, any other suggestions?"

Hobbs nodded, putting his hands on his hips, "Yeah, I got one. How about we just stop them ourselves?"

"You're talking about a Russian Military Base," Mr. Nothing said, shaking his head. Clearly he hasn't looked at our files because this means nothing to any of us. This is just a simple, hopefully quick, job that ends with Dom coming home and starting a family.

Hobbs, knowing what we've done, spoke up on our behalf, "It's stopping world war 3. What's it gonna be rooky? You're gonna close your eyes on this one too? Pray that the apocalypse doesn't come knocking on your mama's front door? Or are you gonna saddle up, be a man, and save the entire goddamn world?"

Mr. Nothing looked around at all of us before nodding. He grabs a crowbar from the table that was filled with toys to fix up our cars. "You know, I think I figured it out," Mr. Nothing said, looking at Mr. Nobody. "What's that?" Mr. Nobody asked? "Rule number three. There are no rules." He smashed the key holder next to him, letting all the keys fall to the floor.

Looking at all of us, Mr. Nothing smiled, "Areal transport leaves in an hour. Take whatever vehicle you want. All bets are off."

"All bets are off?" Tej and Roman said at the same time. Clearly someone is happy. I will be too, as soon as Dom is in my arms, safely.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will hold more action and our Dom comes back to us!

Comment what your most excited to see in the last chapter!

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