Chapter 4

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My eyes scanned over the bullet that only an hour or so ago I had pulled out of Dom's shoulder. My body sat on the same table that Dom had sat on while I took out the bullet but Dom was watching from a far, giving me the space I needed but keeping a worried eye on me.

Brian walked over, clearly not respecting the time of thought I badly needed in this quiet secret hideout.

"What you're looking at is a 5.45 by 18 FMJ spitzer bullet," he said, answering any question I had as he talked. "It's specific to one handgun, the PSM. Given that handguns are illegal in the United Kingdom, there's very few people that have access to that firearm. So if somebody wanted to, say, track down where it came from, it wouldn't be too hard."

He outstretched a sheet of people, making me look at the paper, Brian, then back at the paper as I took it. "I was a cop for a lot of years, some habits die hard," Brian said as I looked over the paper.

"A pawn shop," I said, looking up to meet Dom's eyes. "Let's go then," Dom said, still keeping his distance, his voice echoing in the large empty room.

Dom didn't need to say it again or wait for Brian and I. We all piled into a car, Dom driving quickly as he looked for the address of the pawn shop. Sure enough, it was open to the public, a couple of guys sitting inside on a couch looking like they were customers.

The bell above the door rang, signaling somebody walking in. I made my way to the front desk where a glass kept the man and I separated. A wide hole in the glass where things would be exchanged sat open, waiting for something to go through it.

"All right, what do you want?" The desk guy asked, barley giving me a glance. "They say if someone's looking for a Russian gun, you're the man to see," I said, making his eyes finally look up at me. His eyes then fell to Dom and Brian before looking back at me, "Oh, they do, do they?"

The two guys on the couch quickly got up, ready to fight but failing as Dom grabbed the one guy, hitting his head with the man's before watching him fall to the ground unconsciously. Brian punches the other guy a few times before knocking him to the ground, causing him to quickly hold is nose.

The desk man reached for a gun, but before he could even come inches to it, my hands reached through the hole in the glass, grabbing onto his shirt and banging him to the glass, pushing his face up to it.

A bell going off behind me told me someone was walking it, but before they even got passed the door, Brian held a gun up to the guy, "That might be a bad idea."

I quickly got to work with the desk guy, Dom behind me, keeping his eye on the desk guy while I took charge for once. "I'm looking for the owner of this bullet," I said, nodding to the bullet in Dom's hand.

Trying to shake his head, the desk guy quickly said, "I don't know." I push the guy away from the glass, only to slam him back into it, causing a groan to leave his lips. "Try taking a closer look."

"Okay, okay, about a week ago, a girl came in, bought guns, ammo, everything I had," The desk guy rambled.

"A girl?" Dom asked, expecting it to have been Shaw but instead it was a women leaving it only to be Paris. To make sure, I asked, "What did she look like?"

"Tough chick, light hair. Looked like a younger version of you actually. New-be. Trying to get into street racing," The desk guy said, trying to look at me but failing with his face to the glass.

"Where can we find her?" Brian asked, still staying by the door in case someone else tried to come in.

The desk guy shrugged, "How do I know? Do I look like a racer?" Once again, I pushed the desk guy away from the glass only to pull him harder into it, knocking him out. "No, you don't," I mumbled as I let his body fall behind his desk.

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