Chapter 3

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Emily POV

Berlin at night was nice, or at least that's what I could tell from the window of my racing car that just busted through a blown up wall from a building we broke into. Roman, Tej, Ramsey, Hobbs, Dom, and I all teamed up and broke into a top security building to grab this case before it all just backfired.

"You were only supposed to create a diversion, Roman," I said through the ear piece. "That was a diversion," Roman yelled into my ear, making me roll my eyes.

Tej came on, sounding a bit angry, "How many of the damn explosives did you use?" "I do not know, Tej. All of it?" Roman said, saying the last part quieter as he realized how bad that sounded.

Hobbs wasted no time cuing in, "Roman, Jesus Christ!"

Looking in my rearview mirror, I saw metal jeeps and police cars turn and chase after us. "You have more of your fan club," I said, making a sharp turn while everyone else followed.

"They're still on us," Tej said before bullets started to bounce off the cars, creating an echoing sound inside.

"These guys are taking this personal," Roman said as we made another sharp turn. "Roman, we just blown up their facility and stole their EMP. Other than your doctor's cold fingers, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get," Hobbs said, making me nod in agreement.

Dom, who had kept quiet most of the time, tuned in, "Phase 2."

Roman's panicked voice make me want to turn the ear piece off and just wing it from here. "Phase 2? So you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happen to Phase 1? What about that part?"

"Yeah, remember the airplane? Everyone drove their cars out but you," Tej said. "I told you my engine seized up," Roman objected. "It's your balls that seized up," I said, for a second forgetting that everyone could hear me.

Someone sighed before Tej spoke up, "Just follow my lead, okay? And Roman, whatever you do. Don't think."

"Tej, drop it," Dom said, clearly getting tired of the conflict between the two.

"Bomb's away," Tej said, before a wrecking ball was released, flying towards us. "Split now!" Dom yelled through the ear pieces, causing everyone to turn and run their cars on the sides of the road. The wrecking ball flies past us before crashing and destroying most of the cars behind us before returning back past us again.

Roman wasted no time in telling Tej that he missed some. "Oh, just wait for it," Tej said before the wrecking ball past us again, destroying all of the cars behind us.

This gives us plenty of time to race off. I race forward, meeting Dom's car and looking over to him. I expected to see a smile on his face or a laugh leave his lips but he had a straight face. And his eyes, his eyes told a regrettable story that worried and confused me.

"You good?" I asked, making Dom let out a sigh before staring ahead, "I'll see you when it's done." "Alright. Great job, team. Let's break up and meet me at the safe house," Hobbs said before Dom and Hobbs turned to the left and Ramsey, Tej, Roman, and I turned to the right.

My eyes couldn't help but look in my rearview mirror, seeing Dom disappear into the darkness.

Something was wrong, off, with Dom. Usually after a mission finished, he'd drive away with a wide smile and tell everyone they did a great job. Instead, he did and said nothing, as if he was no longer leading us.

That's not Dominic Toretto.

"That son of a bitch just crossed us," Hobbs came over the ear pieces, making my face quickly form a confused look, "What?" "Dom took the EMP," Hobbs said, sounding like he was in pain.

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