Chapter 3

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After the wedding that surprised both Dom and I, we hurried off to Tokyo to retrieve Hans' body.

It was the worst thing in the word, getting married one minute and then picking up your friend's body the next. But, we made it through it, hoping to get some information from Sean, Hans' friend.

Sean leaned against his car while Dom and I leaned against Dom's, both cars facing the city. "Han mentioned he left his enemies in his rearview. He never talked about it much," Sean said, not bring us much help.

"Always playing it close to the vest," Dom said with a sad nod.

Sean reached into his car, "We found a couple things by the crash. Wasn't much left," he said, handing over a picture and his phone. I took the picture, looking at it to find it was a picture of Gisele.

"I tried calling Gisele when it first happened, there was no answer," I said with a sigh, lowering the picture. I had missed my friend, wishing she was here with us right now.

Where ever she is, I hope she's okay.

"When you find the guy that killed Han, what are you going to do?" Sean asked, looking at Dom and I. Dom looked out at the city, anger in his voice as he said, "Words ain't even been invented yet."

Dom talked with Sean a bit while I took a few steps to the side, deciding to call up Gisele again in hopes of hearing from her. Of course, there was no answer, just straight to voicemail.

"Gisele, its Emily. Listen I know you don't want to talk to anyone right now, and I understand that, but give me a sign that you're okay. I'm worried about you. Dominic and I are going to find the man that did this, and we're going to end him, I promise. I just thought you should know," I said, sighing and looking down at my shoes.

"I got married today," I said, smiling slightly. "I know, you didn't even know I was engaged. No one did except Mia and Brian. It just happened, and when we heard about all of this, we just got married. I'm so sorry Gisele."

With that, I hung up, looking over to find Dom looking at me. I slowly shook my head, telling him there was still no answer. A sigh left his lips before he nodded for me to get back into the car.

Opening my door, Dom let me in before sitting in his driver seat. Silence filled the car as we just sat there, looking over Tokyo. "Some Honeymoon," I said, breaking the silence slightly.

"Come on, we should get back," Dom said, grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss before we back up and drove back to the airport.

Neither one of us could say a word as we just sat in silence. My hand was continuously turning the ring on my ring finger while Dom seemed to lightly mess with his cross necklace, both of us realizing that we just got married and was now on our way back home to burry our friend.

"When this is over, we'll have to tell them what we did," I said, looking over to Dom who sat next to me.

"Mia's going to be pissed," Dom said, making me half smile and nod in agreement, "So will Brian." I looked down at my ring, my mind wandering around before it broke to a stop at Dom's words. "You're not regretting this are you?"

I quickly looked at Dom, my mouth lightly dropping, "No, of course not. I'm thrilled to be married to you. I just wish things were different," I said, looking back down at the ring.

Dom wrapped his arm around me, letting me lean my head in his chest as he kissed the top of my head before silence filled us once again.

When we landed, the word got out quickly to any of Han's family and friends, including Tej and Roman. Brian returned for the funeral, making sure Mia and Jack staid back and was protected.

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