Chapter 1

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The perfect night. For some, the perfect night is a walk on the beach, the moon reflecting itself onto the water like a picture. Others may think the perfect night is a dinner or a movie, shared with someone you love and laughing until morning comes.

For me? The perfect night is when half the town gathers around two cars, waiting for the countdown to begin that would set these two cars into gear and fly down the road at such speeds that it would make NASCAR look slow.

That's how tonight is, and every other night.

The car's engine was my drug and the road before me was the paradise during the drug.

When signs and lonely trees raised past me I knew I was fast, but the tail lights of the car behind me made me know I was even faster.

A smirk played on my lips as I kicked the stick once more, watching as the blue car behind me got closer. But it was no use, the finish line had already been crossed and the white flag had already been thrown, determining the winner.

Even in my own car, I heard the sounds of people cheering and watched as they gathered around the car in wait. It didn't take me long before I climbed out of the bowered car and onto the cement.

My black boots that only went up to my ankles were the first thing everyone saw. Next was the short shorts that had three rips in them, that lead to a purple short sleeve shirt. My favorite color. The only thing left to view was my blonde hair, tied up in a pony-tale, revealing my brown eyes.

I leaned on the car, watching as the man next to me climbed out of his car, "Shit! I was so close," The man said, cursing slightly as he made his way around his car.

"Close only counts in horse shoes!" I yelled to the guy that I had been friends with for a couple of years now.

Brian smirked, shaking his head as he pulled out $50 dollars and handed it to me. "Yeah, I guess you're right," He said as I slipped the money into my back pocket.

"Come on O'Connor, you knew the second you agreed to that race you were giving up your money," A man's voice said, causing the crowed to move aside, revealing the source of the voice.

I didn't need a crowd to reveal the man, I knew who it was. My best friend since I was 16, the man who taught me how to drive, how to race. The man that has been more of a family then my family really is.

Dominic Toretto.

Dom smiled his perfect white teeth smile, walking through the opening in the crowd to me. His hand flew up, revealing money rolled up into a robber band, "Your cut."

"Thank you," I said with an equally perfect smile, taking it and shoving it into my pocket to join the $50.

Brain spoke up again, causing Dom and I to look at him as he joined the small group. "Remind me again how this all works," He said, nodding to the money that sat in my back pocket.

By now, the crowd had started to disperse and everyone was getting into their cars to leave before the cops showed up.

Leaning onto Dom with my arm, I said, "Well, Dom races and he always gives be 30 percent. I race and Dom makes beets with the new bees, causing me to get paid from them and the loser driver."

Brian nodded, understanding it but still not knowing why Dom did it. This was something we came up with two years ago, when everything started to go downhill for me and my family.

"Well, I guess I'll see ya around O'Connor," I said, handing the keys to Dom as he climbed into his car which was the one I was driving.

"Bye," Brian said, waving as I climbed into the passenger seat, feeling the car speed off. Silence filled the car for a minute, the only sound was the engine purring back to life from its short break.

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