Chapter 7

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The plain started to fly up into the air, causing me to hang onto whatever was by me which was boxes. Hobbs walks over to the door as Dom runs over to us, "We gotta move, it's going down!" Hobbs yelled, causing Dom to yell "Go!"

Hobbs jumps out of the plane, making my eyes go wide at the sight. When I looked back at Dom he was already right by my side, "Go, now!"

"I'm not leaving without you!" I yelled to him, causing him to sigh before pulling me close, kissing me. I kissed him back before he could pull away, keeping his forehead on mine, "I'm right behind you."

My eyes look to Dom's seeing if he was lying only to find love in his eyes.

Quickly I turned, giving one last glance over my shoulder at Dom before looking out the opened door. Roman and Tej where below me, driving dangerously close to the plane.

Taking a deep breath, I jumped, getting caught by Hobbs who cautiously sat me down next to him. My head looked back up to see Dom standing in the doorway, looking like he was about to jump before looking over his shoulder.

"Dom come on!" I yelled up, only to have him glance down at me before running away from the door, "Dom!" I yelled!

Suddenly, the plane started to go down, causing Tej to speed up, joining Brian and Hans' cars as they drove away from the plane. My body turned around, watching as the plane burst into flames before crashing into the ground, exploding in a green flame.

Tej makes a sharp turn, stopping the jeep and letting me out. I run a few feet away from everyone, watching the plane before engulfed into flames. Tears start to roll down my face as I watched the flames.

My legs felt shaky, ready to give out while my mind went completely blank and my body went numb.

A gasp left my lips as I watched a figure holding a silver gas walk out of the fire. My feet immediately had feeling again and burst into a run. My feet couldn't have moved any faster.

As soon as I was by Dom, I slowed down and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me as I practically jumped on him. A chuckle left Dom's lips as he wrapped his free arm around me.

"You said you were right behind me," I whispered in his ear before pulling away, seeing some ash on his shirt. "Now I'm right in front of you," He said, making me smile as I shake my head before pulling down his face and kissing him.

We pulled away, Dom draping his arm over my shoulders as we walked back to the smiling group. Hans and Gisele stood in front of their car while Paris, Brian, and Mia stood in front of theirs. Tej and Roman were smiling widely as we walked over, meeting Hobb half-way.

Dom held up the case with a smile, "So this is worth billions, huh?" Hobbs eyed Dom, knowing that he would want the money and sighed, "Yes, it is. Name your price, Dom."

Looking over at Mia and Brian before looking back at Hobbs, Dom said, "1327."

A smile spread across my face as I laid one hand on Dom's chest while the other staid glued to around his back. The numbers weren't just some random numbers, nor were they even for money. Instead, they were an address, to the Toretto house.

Sure enough, Hobbs was able to release the house, handing it over to Brian and Mia. The second we had gotten the house, we wasted no time in having a giant barbecue in the backyard, inviting Hans, Gisele, Tej, Roman, and even Hobbs.

Roman and Tej were on the grill while Hans and Gisele were sitting, talking about going to Japan.

Dom and I watched as everyone laughed and enjoyed their time, Hobbs still not here yet. Brian was holding Jack in his arms while he and Mia walked over to the empty barn that once held Dominic's car.

Taking a sip of my beer, Dom and I watched as Brian said to Jack, "The air quality here is lousy, the traffic is bad, but I think you'll learn to like this place."

Mia shook Jack's little hand, "Yeah, and here you've got your own garage so you can build a car with Daddy." "First car better be a Charger, Jack," Dom yelled over with a proud smile. Brian looked over to Dom and I, "You mean Skyline."

I couldn't help but laugh as we walked over to them, "Like we said, he's a Toretto."

"You're confusing the kid, Em," Brian said with a laugh, causing Dom to look at Mia, "Mia, you're gonna let him get away with this?" Mia put her hands up in surrender, shaking her head, "Hey, I'm not in this."

A police car suddenly pulls up, causing Dom to quickly wrap an arm around me, pulling me closer to him as we watched it come to a stop. My protective Dominic Toretto. When Hobbs gets out, we all let out a small relief sigh.

"It's official, you're all free," Hobbs said, nodding over to Paris who was leaning against the house, watching, "All of you." A huge smile crawls to my face as I go over to Paris, hugging her.

"You're free, what's the first thing you're going to do?" Paris asked, pulling away. "Walk down the road," I said with a wide smile as Dom and Hobbs talked behind us and Brian, Mia, and Jack go over to Roman and Tej.

I nudged my sister, "What about you? Brian says there's a spare room that has your name on it. Or you can join Dom and me."

Paris sighed, sticking her hands in her pocket. "Yeah, about that, I don't think I'm sticking around." My smile quickly dropped as I stared at my sister in shock, "What?"

With a shrug, Paris looked around at everyone who was minding their own business, "All of this, the fast cars, dangerous missions, it's who you are, not me. These people here, their family."

"You're my family," I mumbled, causing Paris meet my eyes, looking sad. "I don't mind not being though." My heart broke at those words, breaking even more as Paris talked. "You and I, were sisters, we'll always be sisters. But I need a new start. I need to find my way on my own, find a lover on my own, and find freedom on my own."

Paris grabbed my hands, giving them a squeeze, "I'm free. I don't have to worry about mom or Britney or anyone. I can do things I've always wanted to do, and go on my own adventures, less dangerous ones." We both let out a small, soft laugh. "You had your chance to be free and find love and happiness. Let me have mine."

I stared into her eyes, trying to find any hesitation in them but found none. A small smile crawled up to my face, "When did you get so grown up?"

Quickly pulling me into a hug, Paris whispered, "I had a great sister to show me the way." We pulled away, squeezing each other's hands one more time before I watched her walk to her car, get in, and leave.

As I watched, I felt arms wrap around me from behind, already knowing they belonged to Dom's. Setting his head on my shoulder, Dom whispered, "If she's anything like you, she'll be alright."

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I know she will be."

"All right, everybody, let's eat," Tej's voice was heard from the backyard, causing Dom to walk with me to the backyard, taking the head of the table. Dom pulled me onto his lap, letting me sit there as I took a sip of my beer. Roman took a bite of some potatoes, causing me to hum and point a finger at him, "First bite, he's got grace. House rules."

Roman glared over at me with a smile before sighing, "All right, y'all. Come on, let's do this." Dom laughed slightly, "Okay, Roman, bless our table."

Everyone say down, grabbing each other's hands as Roman said grace. "Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Thank you for the little angel, the newest addition to our family. And most of all, thank you for fast cars."

Last chapter for Part 2! What did you think of this part?

The book will be on hold for a little while before I start Part 3 which takes place in FAF 7, hope you enjoyed!

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