Chapter 4

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To say this plan was crazy would be an understatement. Maybe Roman had a good plan at first, but at the end of the day, only Roman could come up with a crazy, good plan.

Right now, Tej, Brian, Roman, Dom, and I were sitting in new, fast cars, in a flying plane.

I'm wearing jeans, a black shirt with a jean jacket, and my black boots. My hands slide over the wheel as the plane shake for the millionth time, causing me to buckle up good and tight.

I'm all for a good, fast ride. Just not out of a plane.

Tej's voice came over the walky that sat in place of the radio, blocking out any music that could have been heard during this wait. "Hey, Roman, you're freaking out, ain't you?"

Roman's shaky voice deserved him, "No." "Yeah, you are," "I said no."

"Listen, man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings," Tej said, making me softly laugh and grab the walky, "If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry, no one will judge."

Brian quickly spoke up, a smile heard on his lips, "Oh, there will be some judging."

"As your friend, you know I'm concerned about your well-being, which is why I took the precaution of putting some adult diapers in your glove compartment," Tej said, making me laugh.

Roman sounded annoyed and angry at this point, "Yo, can you just chill out, man?"

Mr. Nobody came over our walkys, sounding impressed and a bit excited, "I have seen some crazy shit, Dom, but this really could make some waves. So if you could try to keep it as low-key as possible, huh?"

"Don't I always?" Dom asked, causing me to laugh lightly. "Tell you what; Emily, if you could get him to knock it down a couple of notches this time, I'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona."

I grabbed the walky again, "You'd be doing yourself a favor, there," I replied, not even needing to see to Dom to know he had a proud smile on his face.

For me, I'm not much of a drinker but when it came to Corona, I had no choice but to give in. Thanks to Dom that is. I swear, that was all he drank, and finally I had to try what was so amazing about it. Let's just say, ever since then, I've been hooked.

I could never keep that kind of stuff at home, so Dom would always let me keep some at his house. One time he even stored a few in my trunk, just in case of emergencies.

Roman's scared voice through the walky brought be back from my past thoughts, "Can somebody just walk me through what we're supposed to be doing?"

"Come on, Rom, this is your plan. You gotta embrace it," Brian said, trying to talk his friend out of his fear. It didn't work. Suddenly, an alarm goes off in the plane, causing the back of the plane to open up, sucking in the air around the cars.

"Oh, yeah, here we go. Game time everyone," Brian says with excitement, causing everyone to start their engines.

The sound of the engine shook any fear I had in me, letting it run out the back of the plane so nothing was left but pure adrenaline.

Tej's voice returned, probable pushing Roman over the edge, "Roman, you need some fresh air? Because you're about to get a whole lot of it."

Before Roman could response with a scared comment, Dom came over the walky, "Okay, here we go!" Dom was the first to put his car into drive and drive out of the place, followed by Brian, then me.

The sky sucked us down, pushing our cars to bump and stir from the sudden fall. My hands gripped onto my wheel, my lips making "wow" and "shit" remarks as the wind would grab ahold of the car, shaking them even more. As we crept a bit closer to the ground, the cars started to pick up speed.

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