Chapter 6

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I know I said there would be 2-3 more chapters but I guess I didn't realize how much I had left so this is the last chapter for this Part. Enjoy!

Dom, Ramsey, Tej, Roman, Brian, and I all walked into the garage shop where Safar was working on some cars.

"Ah! There they are!" Safar said with wide arms, "Disaster, absolute disaster," Safar dropped his wide arms, looking at us with anger. "I'm sorry," Ramsey started to apologies to her old friend.

"I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi, you steal the host's car, and you jump it between two buildings."

"Actually, it was three buildings," Brian said, holding up three fingers.

"Man, I miss all the fun," I mumble to myself, wrapping my arms around Dom's jacket that hugs m

y body. Safar continued, "Oh! Two, insult. Three, honor. My bad."

I jumped slightly when Mr. Nobody's voice entered my ears. Turning slightly around, we spotted Mr. Nobody waking in with a wide smile, "Well, well, well. I have to say, you've got an interesting interpretation there of "low-key," Emily." I smiled, nodding slightly, "You know, Dom, I thought we had an understanding."

"Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt," Dom said, wrapping his arm around my waste lightly. "That's why I prefer to be the dealer," Mr. Nobody said before looking at Safar, "Good night."

Safar looked at Mr. Nobody shocked before setting down his crowbar, "I'm being kicked out of my own garage. This is great."

Mr. Nobody looked to Dom, "Uh, may I?" He asked, referring to the flash drive that Brian and Dom recovered from the car.

Dom motioned to Brian with his head, "Brian, give it to him." Brian looked over at Dom and me before sighing and reaching into his pocket, pulling out the drive and handing it to Mr. Nobody.

"All that trouble for this little thing. With all due respect, Dom, you really did great work back there. All of you. All of my men are now standing by and are fully at your disposal," Mr. Nobody said, handing the drive back over to Dom. It hung in the air for a minute, making Mr. Nobody continue, "Your call."

Dom took the drive before outstretching his hand to Ramsey, "Ramsey. Fire it up and find me Shaw." She takes the chip and walked over to a large set of computers and monitors.

Tej followed Ramsey, looking over the monitors with Roman following short behind, "Oh, damn, this is crazy," Tej said. "All right, give me a second," Ramsey said, typing away on her computer.

Dom's arm seemed to tighten around me, as if in anticipation.

"What is it doing now?" Roman asked, trying to understand what all was happening on the screens in front of him. "It's hunting, hacking into the security cameras at Etihad Towers. That's the last place you saw Shaw, so that's where we'll start."

We all watched the screens, trying to spot Decker, but Brian spotted him before any of us could. "That's him, right there," Brian said, pointing to the screen where Decker Shaw was revealed.

Tej shook his hand, "Wait, wait. What are these numbers right here for?" He asked, pointing to one of the screens.

"It's bio-mapping Shaw's face. It'll run it against every camera. Every audio device in this hemisphere. Bingo. Looks like he's moving around, probable trying to find a place to hold up for a bit," Ramsey said, turning around in her chair with a smile.

Mr. Nobody put a hand on her shoulder, "You just changed the face of manhunts forever. Congratulations."

Dom spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention, "Dawn's up in two hours. Get some rest, then we're heading out." Roman quickly threw up his hand, "Wait, wait, where are we going exactly? I mean Shaw hasn't settled yet."

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