Chapter 1

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Canary Islands in Spain where just as beautiful as Google had told Dom and I. Brian and Mia lived close by, their son already born.

Dom and I stayed in a beautiful house, overlooking the town. Right now, Dom and I were laying in our giant white bed, both of us looking out the double doors that lead to a balcony.

A protective arm was wrapped around me as Dom seemed to pull me closer, if that was even possible.

"I never want to leave here," I whispered to Dom, my head on his chest as my arms wrapped around his stomach. "We don't," Dom said, looking down at me while my head tilted up to look at him.

It had been a year since we had gotten the money and made Spain our home.

Leaning in, Dom gave me a kiss before releasing me from his grip and grabbing some shots and a white tank top. His cross necklace sat on his bedside table, a confused look on Dom's face told me he had noticed that it wasn't there before.

"I figured you'd want that, it is yours after all," I said, causing Dom to turn and look over his shoulder at me.

"It's yours."

My arms wrapped the silk sheet around me as I wrapped my body with Dom's, "Then call it a gift from me to you," I whispered to him before releasing him and walking into the shower.

The nice cool shower tried my sweaty skin while my long blonde hair seemed to enjoy the water running through it. Once done, I slipped on some shots and a white, loosely tank top.

The sound of Dom's voice talking with someone, made me leave the bathroom in silence. Hobbs voice was heard. I quickly grabbed my gun and made my way to the balcony where my eyes spotted Dom and Hobbs talking.

"I like it here, it's quiet, nice weather, and no extradition. So what are you doing here, cop?" Dom asked, turning his body so he was facing Hobbs while leaning on the balcony table.

"Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia."

"Em and I don't really like the cold weather," Dom said, his eyes moving to look at the balcony door as if he was hinting to Hobbs I was inside. This made me take a few steps out while Hobb's spoke.

"I know it wasn't you and Emily. But you're going to help me catch the team responsible. Both of you, and you ain't gonna need that right now," Hobbs said, turning to look at me as he found me directly behind him with a gun pointed at his head.

Dom's face turned into a smile as he watched me, "You can't touch either of us, Hobbs. You've got no power here," I said, causing Hobbs to sigh before pulling out a folder that sat near him on the balcony.

"I'm not here to extradite anyone," Hobbs said as he held out the file to me, causing me to eye it as my hands slowly lowered the gun. Dom watched with a confused look.

"See, your both going to come voluntarily. As a matter of fact, you're going to beg me. This was taken a week ago." Slowly, my hands took the folder, my gun being set down on the balcony. "I'll see you two out front," Hobbs said, leaving Dom and I alone.

My eyes watched the file in my hand, debating whether or not I should open it.

The adventure side of me wanted to open it, while the homey side of me, the side of me that just wanted to crawl back into bed with Dom and forget about the file.

Adventure side won.

Opening the file, my eye's landed on a picture. The picture was unseen before while the person in the picture was recognizable instantly.

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