chapter 2

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"Serena, wake up! Go out today, do something." I heard my mom yell from the other side of the door.

"I don't want to, I'm sad."

"Can I come in?" I nodded as if she could see me and she came in after a short silence.

"Serena, are you still mocking about Nick? He left a week ago, you should go out and have fun tonight."

"He didn't call. I don't want to go out, I want to stay here and sleep."

My mom pulled me out of my bed and threw some clothes at me. "You're going out and have fun. Enough with being sad and crying, he broke up with you forget him!"

"We took a break"

"Okay baby, sure." I heard the sarcasm in her voice and rolled my eyes. Why is she making me go out, all my friends are gone.

"Mom, all my friends are out of the city, I can't go alone." I said almost asking.

"Why not? You can make new friends." She's kidding right?

I slowly started to get ready because I knew she wouldn't let me stay home tonight. This was going to be a long night.

I walked into a coffee shop asking myself why it's open at nighttime. I don't go out that often, so I don't really know if it's normal. I ordered a cappuccino and took out my book to read. Why did my mom make me go out, I could've been reading in my room that's not really different.

"A cappuccino."

"Yes, thank you." I smiled at the waitress and started reading again. I got bored very fast and found myself just staring at my book.


I looked up at the brown haired lady in front of me, I don't think I've ever seen her before.

"Uhm, hi."

"You look kind of sad and bored and I'm bored too so I thought I'm going to say hi, so hi." She said with the most adorable smile my eyes have ever seen. I couldn't help but smiling myself.

"Okay, I guess. Hi then."

She seemed to be dissapointed and almost sad and I felt bad right away of how rude I sounded.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I'm sorry, do you want to sit with me, because we're both bored and I mean, interrupt me please I'm making a fool of myself.." I trailed off.

She started laughing, the most adorable laugh my ears have ever heard. "Of course."

"So, why are you bored? Did you come alone?" I asked as she sat down.

"No, I came with my friend and her boyfriend but you probably know how that ends. Did you come alone?"

"Yes, my mom made me go out because she didn't want me to be sad in my room." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Why were you sad? I mean, you don't have to tell me.."

"No, it's okay. My boyfriend- I mean, exboyfriend left a few days ago. He got a job offer in New York and yeah.."

"Oh bummer, what's his name?"

"Nick." I replied.

"That's a cool name."


There was an awkward silence before she started talking again.

"Oh my god, I'm so rude, I never asked you what your name is."

"My name is Serena." I smiled "What's yours?"

A slight frown formed on her face but dissapeared quickly enough. "My name is Demi." She smiled.

"That's a pretty name." I complimented.

"Thank you, it's actually Demetria but I don't really like that."

"Demetria is gorgeous!" I almost shouted.

"Aw thank you, I like Serena." She smiled, she's so adorable.

"So, Serena, your mom made you go out alone and you came to a coffee shop with a book?" She asked, giggling.

"I don't really like going out, I'd rather stay home and read books so I kind of pretended to be in my room." I gagged at how stupid that sounded.

"That's something I would do, my friend made me come out I didn't even want to."

Not so stupid.

"Is that why you're in a black hoodie and carrying sunglasses?" I asked.

She looked down at her clothes and laughed. "No, not really."

"Oh." I nodded.

awkward silence.

She started giggling again.

"What?" I asked.

"You really don't know who I am, do you?"

"You're Demi, you just told me." I was very confused at this point, what does she mean? We're strangers, we just met each other

"I really love this."

"What? I'm really confused."

"Demetria? Demi Lovato?"

"Um hi, Serena. Serena Mason."

She started laughing again before her phone rang.

"Hey... Yes I'm still here.. Okay on my way." She put her phone away and looked at me. "My friend and her boyfriend are leaving and they're my ride home so I got to go. I'd love to hang out with you though. I think we'd make good friends, I mean, if you want to?"

"Yes, sure." I smiled.

She gave me her number and I watched her go.

"Demetria Lovato, why are you so mysterious?" I said out loud while grabbing my book to head home.

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