chapter 12

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Demi's POV 

"Maybe you two should give us details about the kiss."  

I felt my face heat up and I couldn't even think about looking at Serena.

I was going to kill Marissa.

"You should tell us, Serena, since Demi doesn't even want to look up." Marissa smiled.

Oh, she won't be smiling for long.

"You mean when we were drunk?" I tried to save my ass. "No, you know what I mean." Marissa winked. 

"Actually, I wasn't drunk the first time." Serena confessed with a grin on her face. 

I was starting to think they planned this.

"The kiss you told me about wasn't the first one?" Alicia asked.

I wished the earth would swallow me up. I don't think I've ever felt this awkward before. 

"No, they shared another kiss before. It wasn't that romantic of course, because Demi was drunk." Marissa laughed. 

I glared at Marissa who was having fun embarassing me. She wiggled her eyebrows, which meant she wasn't done yet. 

"Demetria can't stop kissing me!" Serena joked and made me finally look at her, "Excuse me? You are the one who kissed me." I said, pointing at her

"I wasn't the one who started it" she winked 

"I was drunk the first time, what's your excuse?" I playfully winked back 

Serena shrugged "You shouldn't wear hot outfits if you don't want to get kissed" 

Marissa and Alicia were watching us with eyes wide open

"So you're saying I looked hot" I wiggled my eyebrows 

I finally felt comfortable talking about it. I only felt uncomfortable in the first place because I thought Serena would too, and that'd just be awkward. 

"Let's talk about something else, I don't like where this is going" Serena laughed

"How was the kiss?" Marissa asked, trying to make things awkward again

"I really don't like where this is going" Serena answered, still laughing

"I first need to hear you saying I looked hot" I joked

"Sure, yes, you looked hot! Change the subject now" she begged 

"Sure! What's your wedding date?" Marissa joked and high fived Alicia who also started laughing 

"Let's plan what we're going to do on my birthday instead" I smacked Marissa's arm 

"birthday over wedding, woah" 

I glared at Marissa "Did you take something?" I rolled my eyes "We really need plans for my birthday though" 

"A stripclub" 

"Marissa, I swear to god-"  

"A pirate party" Serena interrupted me 

"I hope you're kidding" 

"A fairy party!" Marissa threw her arms in the air "I've always wanted that" 

"That's a great idea!" Serena high fived Marissa 

"We can throw a fairy party at your birthdays" I winked "Y'all are useless"

"You could go to a theme park and then rent a club for the night" Alicia suggested

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