chapter 11

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Serena's POV

It had been two days since I've kissed Demi. I hadn't heard anything from her and didn't have the courage to call her myself. I wouldn't know what to say or do if she'd confront me with the kiss.

College's going to start again within the space of one week, what a bummer. At least my friends were slowely coming back from wherever they spent their vacation. I was mostly excited about Alicia coming back, she's my best friend and knows nearly everything about me. She went camping with her family and wasn't allowed to use her cellphone or any other form of communication which means that she doesn't know anything about Nick breaking up with me, meeting Demi and kissing her. I couldn't wait to fill her in!


I was sleeping in on a Sunday when my mom bursted in "Serena, there's someone you'd love to see right now" she smiled. I groggily looked up at her "Who's here?" I couldn't remember anyone calling or telling me they're coming over "I'll let her come in okay?" my mom said and left before I could answer

"Are you still in bed, you dork" I heard her voice and jumped up straight "Alicia! I've missed you so much!" 

She walked in my room and jumped up my bed. She looked tanner and made it extra obvious by wearing white shorts and a light colored top. She's long and has dirty blond hair. She's prettier than most girls in town. 

"I thought you'd only come back tomorrow?" I asked while pulling back from a hug she gave me

"I lied" she laughed "What's new?" 

"A lot actually" I smiled. She stared at me waiting for me to finish "First of all, Nick and I broke up" I dryly said. 

"What?!" She screamed "Who broke up and why? You guys were so in love, why would you break up? What?" I laughed at her reaction and waited until she calmed down 

"He broke up with me. He told me that he's moving to New York because of a job offer but got back a few days ago" Her eyes widened "Why didn't you guys try a long distance relationship though?"

I sighed "He told me that it'd be too hard but I can guess the real reason" I looked up at her and she made a sign with her hand, telling me to go on "I was at the mall with a friend and saw him with a girl" 

"Maybe she was just a friend" she tried 

"It didn't look very classy" I chuckled and she made a face

"You don't look very sad about it. Did you get over him?" she asked 

"I don't really know, he still broke my heart and I was really in love with him but I kind of tried to get distracted and not really think about him" I admitted 

A smile crept on her face "Is there another boy already? Damn girl, you're fast" she laughed 

I rolled my eyes "Alicia! Who said distraction has to be a boy?"

"Is it a girl?" she was laughing really hard "I always thought you're gay" 

"That's not even funny. Let's go have breakfast, I'm starving" I got out of my bed and looked up at her to follow me 

"Breakfast? It's 2pm, I thought you were taking a nap" she joked and got up 

We got into the kitchen and were eating breakfast "So, tell me about the distraction you were talking about" she winked 

"I just made new friends, no biggie" I casually replied. I was hoping she knew Demi and was keeping it exciting 

"Who knew you could be social?" She laughed 

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