chapter 5

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Serena's POV

"Serena, you've been sitting there staring in front of you for about ten minutes. Don't you want to watch television or something?"

I was sitting in the couch thinking about Demi. I couldn't decide whether to tell her I know or not, and if I did, how?

My mom came in and broke my thought process "Don't you want to watch television or something?"

I didn't really want to watch television but put it on and pretended I was.

My phone rang after another hour of thinking. I picked up without checking the caller ID and heard Demi's raspy voice

"Hey Serena" she almost sang before laughing

I dryly replied "Hey Demz, sup?"

"Nothing much, do you want to hang?"

Why would Demi want to hang with me? She's famous and probably has a lot of friends. Maybe she liked that I didn't know she's famous. That's what she thinks though

"Yes sure, lets go to the mall?" I asked

She hesitated and stuttered "No, um, I don't really like the mall. Can't we just hang in my house again?"

Of course she wouldn't like the mall, if she really was that famous, paparazzi and fans would recognize her and that means that I will find out.

"Is good" 

"Okay, great. See you later" 

I felt really weird and didn't know what to think about this all. I've never been in a situation like this before and didn't know how to act

I decided to just go to her house and see what will happen 

"Are you going out?" my mom said when she saw me putting my shoes on

"Yes, I'm going to Demi's" 

My mom started laughing "Don't forget the selfie you promised"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. She still didn't believe me. "Bye mom"

"Mail or text me the selfie, don't let me wait" she yelled while laughing

I rolled my eyes once again and drove away

Demi's POV 

I cleaned my house and sat in the couch watching television. 

I love that Serena's coming over. She isn't as needy as my other friends and is really fun to talk to. She also isn't bad to look at, she's really beautiful and cute yet hot at the same time. She still doesn't know I'm famous, nor gay and I'd like to keep it that way

I started to get lost in my thoughts until I heard the doorbell

"I already expected you" I said when I opened the door

Serena laughed and walked in "Maybe because you asked me over" 

I rolled my eyes "What do you want to do?"

"We could just talk again, like yesterday, I liked that"

The way her eyes sparkled when she said that made me feel some kind of way, she's so adorable

"Yes, sure, let's go to my room. By the way, some other friends are coming over later, you want to stay and meet them?"

She hesitated and was thinking about it but I really wanted her to stay "Come on, they're fun. Please stay!"

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