chapter 30

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I didn't know how to feel after my mom told me my father died. I wasn't upset because he died, oh he could rot in hell. I was upset because I didn't have a father to look up to, I didn't have a father who'd tell me he's proud of me after graduation and I didn't have a father who'd glare at my new boyfriends or girlfriends. Now I didn't have a father at all. Part of me was glad he died, how selfish that may sound, another part of me didn't believe it. He was here only a few weeks ago, torturing me. I was scared whenever I went out, whenever I left my school. I was scared he'd show up out of nowhere and do to me what he'd done years ago.

When my mom told me, I didn't have any choice. I told her I saw him on that party. She started crying and hugged me tightly. I didn't cry though, I felt numb. I didn't even know how to react. He died. My father died. Oh, how this day changed from absolutely perfect to horrible. I went up to my room and called Demi. Once she picked up, I couldn't help but start crying. Flashbacks came over me, good and very bad ones. I told her he died, not even sure if she understood me. Apparently she did, because a few minutes later she crawled on my bed and wrapped her arms around me.

"He's an asshole." I sobbed. Demi tightened her grip around me. She must've been crying because I felt a teardrop hitting my head.

"It's okay, baby. It's going to be okay." She rubbed her hands on my back in a comforting way. "It's okay." She kept repeating. "How did your dad die?" She whispered.

I sat up straighter. "My father, he's not my dad." I immediately said. "A car accident, I think."

"I'm sorry." She kissed my forehead. "Do you want to talk? How are you feeling about it?" She asked softly.

"I'm okay." My voice cracked.

Demi played with my hair. "It's okay not to be okay.." She trailed off.

"I hate him so much, Demi. I hate him." I cried.

"I know." She sadly said. "Get some sleep. I'm sure you're tired." She shuffled on the bed and now we're both lying down. "It's okay, I'm here." She whispered before I drifted of in a deep sleep.


I woke up a few hours later in an empty bed. Remembering what happened, I used all my strength to get up. My mom's been suffering too, I told myself. I should stop being selfish and go comfort her, and be with her.

I arrived at the living room and heard a familiar voice. Demi. She didn't leave. I walked in and shot my mom and Demi a weak smile. "Hi." I greeted them, my voice raspy from sleeping.

My mom wiped at her eyes. "Hey, baby. How are you feeling?" She asked after giving me a tight hug.

"Honestly, I feel okay."

I saw Demi raising an eyebrow, not looking at me. She didn't believe me. I wouldn't believe me either, to be honest, but I actually really felt okay.

"Good." My mom nodded and shot me a small smile. "Are you guys hungry?" She asked.

"Not really." I replied. Demi shook her head as well.

Demi hugged me from behind. "Are you really okay?" She whispered in my ear.

"Why wouldn't I?" I smiled.

She sighed. "Okay, good. Alicia is coming over, by the way. She tried to call you."

I nodded and kissed her quickly. "Thank you for being here. It means a lot."

"Always, baby. I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too." A big smile crept on my face.

Demi looked at her phone after receiving a text. "Alicia is here." She looked up at me.

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