chapter 20

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Demi's POV

It had been a few weeks since I last talked to Serena. It had been a few weeks since we broke up.

Who broke up with who? I had no idea. She's the one who came up with the stupid idea but she took it back. I was such an idiot to tell her I agree with her.

However, I did not agree. I want her. No, I need her.

My body ached. Everything hurt, from my leg to my ribs to my heart. The worst of all pains was the heartache. We barely started a relationship or even went on a date and I'm already literally broken after the break up.

It made me wonder, how would I have felt if we broke up after a long relationship? Guess I'll never know now.

The hospital released me a few days after, on condition that I'd stay in bed. My mom stayed with me and took care of me. The rest of my family visited me from time to time and Marissa jumped in nearly every day.

Even Alicia texted me, asking me how I'm doing. The only person I haven't heard of, is Serena. I guess it's hard for both of us.

I tried to take my mind off Serena, but how do you take your mind off someone you like when the only thing you're able to do is staying in bed? All I could do was think about how everything would've been if I didn't agree.

A little knock brought me back to reality.

"Hmm?" I managed to get out.

Marissa peeked her head in my room. "I didn't want to wake you up in case you were sleeping."

"Hey. It's alright, I wasn't sleeping." I smiled to my best friend.

"So, how are you?" I knew she'd ask that question since it had been the second sentence she said when she came into my room for the last three weeks.

"Mentally or physically?" I replied, like always.

She let out a little sigh. "I know that you're heartbroken, but I'm sure she'll come around. You two are meant to be and this is a bump in the road. Give her time."

I shot Marissa a weak smile to thank her.

"So, physically?" She asked after a short comfortable silence.

"I don't know honestly. I just miss being able to get up and work, it's been so long."

Marissa rolled her eyes. "Can't believe you're worrying about work. Besides, you originally planned on having off in September which means that you wouldn't be working at the moment even if you could walk around."

"Yeah, but I had planned spending my month off nicer than this." I chuckled.

Marissa pursed her lips in a thin line. "Honestly, it's a good thing you're only able to lie in bed. It means I don't have to worry you're-"

"Oh, shut up." I cut her off, rolling my eyes.

"I'm only looking out for you, you know." She defended herself.

I pouted my lips. "I know, I just don't want you to worry about me anymore."

She let out a deep sigh but let it go.

Let me tell you something about my best friend, though. She definitely is planning on bringing this back up.

Serena's POV

"Then he walked me home because it was a beautiful evening and asked me if I'd go on another date with him." I finished telling Alicia about last night.

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