chapter 29

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I couldn't stop smiling after I told Serena I loved her. I didn't really expect myself saying it, it just kind of came out that way. She looked shocked, which scared the crap out of me. But once she told me she loves me back, my heart skipped some beats. The stupid grin wouldn't leave her face either. It was funny, to be honest, we talking about the most random shit while smiling like idiots.

Everything was perfect in that moment. We just didn't know it wouldn't last long enough.

"I'm hungry!" Serena yelled after our water fight.

"Aren't you always?" I laughed.

"Demiiii," She hugged me from behind as she pouted. "the more you laugh about it, the hungrier I get."

I rolled my eyes and picked her up, bridal style. "Let's get some food into you. You've already eaten all the food I brought, so McDonalds?"

Her eyes lit up. "Please!"

I carried her to the car and opened the door for her. We drove away from the beach, not minding we're still only in bikinis.

In the car, we hummed along to every song on the radio. I glanced at her once in a while. Her smile made mine grow bigger than it already was. She looked really cute, bopping her head to the music, pretending her fingers are drumsticks and my car is the drum.

Serena looked at me and found me staring at her. "Hey, keep your eyes on the road, moron!" She laughed.

I smiled at her and turned around. She looked really happy lately, making me happy as well.

We arrived at McDonalds and decided to just order our food and eat it at my place.


"How am I still hungry?" Serena groaned as she made her way to my refrigerator.

"Maybe you're pregnant." I joked.

She rolled her eyes. "I can't get pregnant unless you have sperm in your fingers, Demetria."

I laughed at the blunt statement. Her eyes searched my refrigerator until she got too tired and made her way to my couch, without food. I followed her and wrapped my arms around her.

"You're perfect." I told her against her hairline.

She smiled and her cheeks flushed. "You are, baby." She kissed my lips gently.

"I love you."

"I love you, always."

I smiled and was about to reply but her phone went off. She opened the text and looked slightly worried. "I have to go." She stood up.

"What's up, babe?" I asked, following her to my hallway.

She kissed me quickly. "My mom texted me. It's an emergency. I'll text you when I know more, okay?"

"Serena, you came in my car. I'll drive, let's go."

She nodded, still looking worried. We got into my car and I prayed silently.

Please don't be something bad, please don't be something bad. She's finally happy again, please don't be something bad.

I put my hand on her leg in a comforting way. "It's gonna be okay."

She shot me a small smile.

Pulling up to her house, I figured I'd let her go in without me. Her mom wanted to talk to her so I didn't want to disturb. "Text me." I kissed her cheek.

"Will do." She nodded. "Thank you for today, Demetria. It was more than perfect."

I smiled as I watched her enter her house. My phone rang seconds later.

"Marissa!" I answered.

"Dude, Serena and you are all over the internet. Start thinking of ways bluff yourself out of it." I could practically hear her smile.

"No need to." I smiled as well. "She told me she's ready to go public!" I half shouted as I started my car.

"Really?! How are you going to do it?" She screeched.

"I don't know man..." I trailed off. "Probably tweet about her." I added.

"No, make it special!"

"I'll think about." We finished our conversation and I finished my ten minute ride.

I made my way into my house, straight to my couch. I smiled when I saw Serena's name appear on my phone.

"Hello, sweetheart." I happily replied. My happiness disappeared quickly though, once I heard her heart-wrenching sobs.

"Demi," She cried. "he died."

"What?" I sat up straight immediately. "who died?" I grabbed my keys and soon was on my way to her house again. I had to keep reminding her to breathe over the phone. She didn't talk much, she just sobbed and kept repeating 'he died' over and over again.

I pulled up at her house again and knocked because I knew Mandy would be home. Mandy opened the door for me, strains of tears visible on her face. "Come here." I pulled her into a hug.

She hugged me tightly before thanking me. "Thank you for being here, Demi. For Serena." She wiped at her eyes and shot me small smile. "She's in her room." She sniffed.

I thanked her before turning around to go see Serena. Mandy called me back though. "She's doing bad, she didn't take his death really well." She warned me.

I nodded, still not knowing who died. I didn't ask though, not wanting to throw salt in the cuts.

I knocked on Serena's door before opening it. She was curled up into a ball in the middle of her big bed. She didn't even look up at me. At least she stopped crying, I told myself.

I crawled into her bed and wrapped my arms around her. It was only then that she acknowledged my present. "It's okay, baby. It's okay to cry." I rubbed comforting circles on her back. She didn't reply, she just sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"I hate him." She muttered after a few minutes of silence. "I hate him, so much."

"Who do you hate, baby?" I asked.

"I hate him and I'm mad at him but I shouldn't because he's dead." She replied. Suddenly she started sobbing again, her whole body shaking. She gripped a firm hold on my body. "He's dead, Demi. My father's dead. He's an asshole." She cried as I held her.


Hey guys, I'm gonna end this fanfic soon because it's kind of messy but I'm thinking about writing a sequel. I'm only going to if a certain amount of people want it though so please comment if you'd read the sequel to this fanfic. There's gonna be a few more chapters though. Anyways thanks for reading again ily mwah

Btw tell me what you think about Serena's dad dying!!!

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