chapter 9

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Serena's POV 

I woke up to my phone ringing, Demi's arm around my waist and Marissa's hair in my face. All three of us were still in yesterday's outfit since we had fallen asleep while chatting. I sat up straight and answered my phone 

"Hello?" I whispered, trying to not wake Demi and Marissa up

"Serena!" I froze when I heard his voice "I'm back in LA for the weekend, do you want to grab breakfast and, you know, talk"

I wanted to scream at him for not calling me all the time he was in New York. I wanted to tell him I forgot about him and wanted to make clear he broke my heart but "yes sure" was the only thing I actually did say 

I tried to get out of bed as silent as possible but felt someone pull me back. I faced Demi's adorable sleepy face 

"At least stay for breakfast" she whispered in her raspy voice 

I couldn't help but smile. Of course I'd pick her over the asshole who broke my heart two weeks ago and didn't call until now.

"Okay" I smiled and I decided to text Nick and tell him we could meet later today

"Should we wake Marissa up?" I asked looking at how peacefully she's sleeping

"hmm, five more minutes" Demi whispered and put her arm arount my waist, pulling me closer. I stared at her beautiful face while she went back to sleep. She wasn't wearing any makeup yet looked so perfect. I noticed her freckles. I noticed the small smile on her face while sleeping. I noticed her long, dark eyelashes and I noticed her dreamy eyes looking at me


"Stop staring at me I'm a mess" she giggled causing me to blush

"You look perfectly fine" I smiled 

"Stop flirting with each other, I'm trying to sleep" Marissa said causing now both of us to blush 

We both didn't look up at Marissa and just stared at each other. Demi grinned, got out of bed and winked at me to follow her. We both stood at the end of the bed trying not to make any noise or laugh as she counted down on her fingers, she reached one and we both jumped up the bed causing Marissa to groan and us to histerically laugh

"I hate both of you" she sleepily said 

"Do you really?" I pouted 

"No, you're adorable, but you're Demi's already, right?" she grinned causing both Demi and I to blush again and Demi to push her off the bed "Payback" she laughed 

Marissa groaned and we helped her up both laughing "Let's have breakfast" Demi suggested

We headed downstairs and Marissa offered to make us breakfast. Demi and I sat on the couch while Marissa was in the kitchen

"Nick called" I whispered

"Is it his first time calling you since he left?" she asked

I nodded and saw Demi's eyes fill with anger "What an asshole" 

"He's back in LA for the weekend and wants to meet up" 

Demi's eyes widened "Did you say yes?" 

"I did but I'm starting to doubt my choice" I confessed "he didn't call until now, he let me wait for about two weeks you know, I don't know if it's worth it"

"Simple. Don't go" she smiled 

"I can't just let him hanging" I sighed 

"He did the same to you. I'm telling you this as a friend, you deserve better" I smiled at how caring she sounded "What are your plans for today?" I asked 

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