chapter 24

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My mind was racing with thoughts about Serena and I didn't notice she started to stir. "Hey." She croaked out. "Hey," I smiled down at her. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded. "Your chest is a great pillow." She pushed some hair behind her ear. "What time is it?" Her voice was raspy from all the sleep she got in the past 24 hours. I reached over her head and grabbed my phone. "Eight pm."

"Fuck!" She sat up. "My mom!" I was confused for a second before I got it. Her mom doesn't know where she is. "She's going to freak out!" She yelled while getting up.

"Relax." I calmed her. "Just explain to her what happened."

She raised an eyebrow. "That'll make her freak a lot more, I'll have to come up with an excuse. I'll text you later." She pecked my lips in a hurry. "Thanks for everything you did for me, I'll make it up to you." She shouted before opening my door and running off.

I laughed at the fact that she thought she had to make up for it. Silly Serena.

Serena's POV

I couldn't find my keys so I ringed the doorbell. I hoped my mom would be home by now. The door flew open and my mom looked relieved but angry. "Serena!" She shouted. I hugged her, scared for what her reaction was going to be. "You're in so much trouble." She breathed into my hair.

"I forgot to call." I sadly said. "I was at Demi's and-"

My mom held her hand up, interrupting me. "Forgot to call or lost your phone?" She asked. I stared at her with a confused look. "Here's your phone." She took it out of her pocket after noticing I wasn't going to answer.

"Where did you find it?" I asked while reaching for my phone.

My mom put it back in her pocket though. "Alicia came over. She told me you forgot it in her car and she told me you were at Demi's. I'll keep your phone since you don't think it's important to use it." She winked and walked away. I was stunned. She never was strict about anything, at all.

"Um, mom," I followed her to the kitchen. "For how long are you taking my phone?" I desperately asked.

"No idea." She didn't look up at me.

"Oh." I sat on the counter. I watched my mom making dinner for a couple minutes before she turned to me again.

"Okay, here's your phone." She gave it back. "This stern parent thing is nothing for me. I don't like you going out and telling me you'll be back early but not coming back for almost twenty four hours though. You're lucky Alicia warned me or things would've been different right now. You're also lucky you were at Demi's and not another creep. Wait you were at Demi's right?" She blurted out.

"Yes mom, I was at Demi's. I love you thank you!" I kissed her cheek. "I'll call next time." I smiled.

"Oh, there better not be a next time, you hear me. I was worried sick! You may be nineteen but you still live under my roof. My roof,-"

"My rules." I finished for her.

She looked at me from top to toe. "That's not how you left yesterday, did you?"

I realized I was wearing Demi's clothes. "Demi's." I replied shortly.

"Oh, why?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I fell asleep in the dress and it was all wrinkled so she didn't let me leave in it."

"She's really nice, I hope you guys last." She smiled for the first time that night.

"Aw, thanks mom. I do too." I smiled back hugely.

"Did you have dinner?" She asked as she turned back to whatever she was cooking. I shook my head and she motioned for me to sit down. I made small talks with my mom, trying to forget whatever was on my mind.

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