chapter 26

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Serena and I sat on the grass as we watched Alicia and Marissa set up the tents. They had been arguing about who's going to finish first all the way down here. It was annoying but at least we got to sit down and watch instead of helping.

"I went camping with my family a few months ago, it's all still fresh in my mind." Alicia bragged.

"I'm a professional I told you!" Marissa yelled as she rolled her eyes.

I laughed at the two girls as I looked over at Serena. She seemed to space off again. "You good?" I nudged her.

"Yeah," She shook her head. "this is what I needed I guess." She said as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

I kissed her hairline and nodded as I smiled. "This is what we need, baby girl."

"Alicia's going to win." She suddenly said.

"I know." I laughed as Marissa struggled with the tent. "I don't even think Marissa ever set up a tent before." I smiled as Serena laughed.

"Isn't this nice? Two best friends found other two best friends and now we all get along." She smiled up at me.

"Yeah, like what if Alicia and Marissa hated each other. That'd be stupid." I agreed.

"Hmm." She tried to get closer to me than she already was. When she realized that there was no space left between us, and still wasn't satisfied with how close we were, she moved herself to my lap. "Better." She snuggled up in me.

"Comfortable?" I laughed.

She took my arm and put it around her. "Yeah."

"Told you!" Alicia's yelling interrupted our moment. "I fucking win!"

Marissa sighed. "Okay, now help me with this one." She pouted.

"Yeah, now you need my help." Alicia dramatically flipped her hair.

After they set the tents up, we watched the sun going under as we ate. Alicia forced us to give her our phones and put them in a plastic bag. "No phones until this weekend is over." She warned.

After that, I grabbed my guitar and started to sing together with Alicia.

"You have a great voice." I told her when we were done singing.

She stuck her tongue out and pushed some hair behind her left ear. "Thanks, you too." She laughed.

"When are you guys going public?" Marissa looked from me to Serena.

Serena frowned and looked at me. "I've never thought about it." She admitted.

"Me neither, to be honest." I shrugged. "When do you want to tell the world?"

"Um, I don't know how this all works, you decide and I'll go along with whatever you choose." She pecked my cheek.

"You know it means you coming out in front of the world, right?"

Serena sat up. "Fuck. Maybe I should tell the important people before we go public.." She trailed off.

"We have time." I smiled.

We made small talks until we we're tired and got into the tents to sleep. Serena and I shared a tent, leaving Alicia and Marissa to share the other one. They wanted to give us some time alone which I gladly accepted since we didn't have that a lot yet.

Once we got into the tent Serena attacked me with a passionate kiss. "I wanted to do this when you were singing out there." She mumbled between the kiss. She parted her mouth, allowing me to slip my tongue in it. Our tongues fought for dominance until she won. My hands wandered around Serena's back. I moved my mouth to her neck and started sucking on it.

Serena started to stir. She tensed up visibly so I stopped with what I was doing. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just n-not ready. I'm sorry.." She trailed off.

"Hey, it's okay. We can just cuddle until we fall asleep." I reassured her. I didn't want to force her into doing something she doesn't feel comfortable with.

"It's the flashbacks." She quietly said. "I just w-want to wait?" She more asked than said.

"Baby, come here." I got off her and cuddled with her until she fell asleep. I felt bad for her. I hated that she was having flashbacks because her douche ass father decided to fuck her life up. I decided to not even talk about sex in the future, until she's ready. I didn't want to make her feel like I wouldn't love her if we didn't have sex any time soon. I was falling in love with her, I was falling quicker than I had thought.

I fell asleep after ranting to myself about Serena and our relationship.

We spent the next day doing typical camping shit Alicia came up with. As much as Serena, Marissa and I groaned and rolled our eyes, we loved it. We had a great time bounding as friends and getting to know each other better.

"Who knew Demi Lovato knows how to put out a fire.." Alicia laughed. "I thought you were one of those dramatic-brainless-Hollywood stars." She flipped her hair dramatically as she talked. She tends to do that a lot.

"Don't even lie, you were so starstruck when you met me." I winked, flipping my hair the same way she had done.

"She was literally screaming and slapping me when-"

Alicia interrupted Serena by slapping her on the arm. "Shut the fuck up!" She yelled as she lightly slapped her across the face.

We all laughed hysterically when Serena tackled Alicia and sat on her. "She was slapping me when I was on the phone with you and she was so disappointed in me because I didn't know you." Serena spoke so fast that I had trouble keeping up.

Alicia squirmed from underneath Serena. Marissa decided to roll on top of them and tickle them both. Laughter filled the air and I couldn't help but smile which later on changed into laughing as well, because of Alicia's hilarious, loud laugh.

We decided to call it a night, a few minutes later. We'd wake up early the next day to drive home.


"Get the fuck up!" I felt her hot breath on my face, knowing she was close to me.

"Serena.." I trailed off.

"No, get up!" She screamed as she poked my cheek. "Please."

"I can't." I whined.

"Come on, you've had enough sleep. Get up! We have to go home."

"I caaaaan't." I dragged my words out. "You're literally on top of me!"

"Oh, right." She laughed. "Well, that was stupid." She rolled off me and pecked my lips. "Your breath smells!" She screamed. "Get up! Ugh, you're the worst! I'm never offering to wake you up ever again."

I laughed and did what she asked. "I'm up." I sleepily said. I stomped off to the RV we hired and laid myself in the couch. I waited for the girls to load our things in and give me shit for not helping. I couldn't care less, I was too tired.

"Let her sleep, we'll attack her for it when she wakes up." I heard Serena tell Marissa. I smiled as I drifted off once more. 


Filler chapter! Sorry for not updating i have school and shit yknow, anyways y'all should comment with what you want to happen for the next chapters, like cute derena moments? More drama? Whatever you want ill make it happen ;)))) Okay so this chapter is short but it's a filler one and i'll update again soon like tomorrow or maybe later today ily thanks for reading y'all are great!

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