chapter 28

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"This magazine called and told us they have a picture of you and Serena kissing."

I sucked in my breath. "I don't think Serena is ready to tell the world." I whispered. "Can't we do someth-"

She cut me off. "Wait, let me finish. They called and told us they have a picture, but they were bluffing. They tried to get something about you two out of us since she appeared out of nowhere." My publicist spoke. "I called to tell you that y'all need to be careful. Or tell the world, if you're both ready."

"I-I'll talk to her about it." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Thank you."

"No problem, Demi. Have a good day." We said our good byes and I walked back into the room. I explained to Serena what my publicist told me. She furrowed her eyebrows but didn't say much about it. I couldn't really tell if she was annoyed or worried.

"Are you free tomorrow?" I whispered in Serena's ear after listening to our mothers talk for a while.

"Depends." She smirked, not looking at me.

"I was thinking about a beach day." I smiled, not taking my eyes off her.

She finally turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. "Your publicist tells you to be careful and you want to go to the beach literally the day after?" She whispered.

"I know a place nobody comes at. Come on, it'll be fun." I winked.

"Yeah, they're adorable. Look at them not even paying attention to what we're talking about." I suddenly heard my mom say. I turned to look at her and saw my family getting ready to leave.

"Wait, I'm going too." I got up from the couch. Serena raised an eyebrow at me so I kissed her quickly. "Text me."

"Will do." She smiled, getting up as well.

I followed my family to the hallway where we said our goodbyes to Mandy. I kissed Serena one more time before heading to my car. "You guys are staying at my place, right?" I asked my family.

"Duh!" Maddie squealed, attacking me with a hug. "I'm going in your car, by the way." She informed me. I laughed at her and got into my car.


"Mom!" I yelled, once we got home. "I'm hungry."

She rolled her eyes without even looking at me. "We just had dinner. Besides, you're twenty-two years old." She sighed, making her way to the kitchen.

I laughed as I followed her. "Yeah, and I've got the best mom, right? I was staring at my beautiful girlfriend instead of eating." I smiled dreamily.

My mom laughed as well. "Of course."

My phone beeped as I watched my mom making me a sandwich. I smiled when I saw it was Serena who sent me a text.

Serena: Yes.

Yes? I raised an eyebrow as I texted her back.

Demi: What yes?

Serena: Yes, I'm free tomorrow, babe.

Demi: Yay!!! Beach!!!

Serena: Can't wait to see your bikini ;)

I laughed and my mom shot me a look. "Serena." I pointed at my phone. She nodded, smiling and shoved the sandwich in my way.

"I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep." She kissed my head. "Goodnight."

"Night, mom."

Serena's Pov

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