chapter 14

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Serena's POV 

"Ugh, fuck off." I groaned in frustration.

I woke up to Alicia bouncing on me, trying to wake me up. 

"Wake up!" She yelled. 

"Let me sleep." I pulled the blanket over my head but she yanked it off only a couple seconds later. 

"I'm hungry." She finally got off me. I wanted to take my blanket back but she took a pillow and hit me in the face. 

"It's Demi's birthday party, get the fuck up!" She yelled.

I sat up straight immediately when I heard her name and Alicia started laughing. "You'd do anything for Demi." 

I rolled my eyes. "I'd ask why I always regret sleepovers with you in the morning, but I already know the answer." 

She cocked her head to the side. "Why wouldn't you admit you like her?" She sighed. "I'm your best friend, I see right through you!" 

"Let's have breakfast." I ignored what she said. "And no word about it, my mom is home!" 

"You haven't told her you're gay yet?" She smiled. 

"Shut up or we'll have to explain her why you look all beaten up." I glared at her and she just smiled. 

We got downstairs and realized my mom wasn't home. I checked my phone and saw that I've gotten two texts, one from my mom and one from Demi. 

mom: Went shopping with Jamie.  

"Mom went shopping." I informed Alicia before opening Demi's text. 

"This early?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes." I smiled.

"You're glad she's enjoying life again, aren't you?" Alicia joined me smiling. 

I nodded and remembered Demi's text. 

Demi: Your breakfast idea was nice. Can't wait to see you :)  

My smile grew, which didn't go unnoticed by Alicia. "Did your girlfriend text you?" She smiled. 

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes and texted Demi back.

"I have a question." She watched me with a serious look. 

I stopped pouring milk in my cereal and motioned for her to go on. 

"Now we know you're gay, do I have to stop getting undressed with you in the room?" She asked with a serious look, which quickly dissapeared and got replaced with a grin.

"I still only like hot people, you have nothing to worry about." I sarcastically smiled.

Her eyes grew wide. "Hold the fuck up. Have you just admitted something we all knew but you kept denying?" She blurted out.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I winked.

I'd admit I'm gay or bi or whatever the fuck I was, if I only knew myself. I was still struggeling to find out. I thought I was straight, but I know I like Demi. I guessed it means I'm bi? I've never felt attracted to other girls, though. If you think about it, I've never felt attracted to other boys either. Nick was the only person I ever liked before meeting Demi. 

My mind brought me back to the day he broke up with me. We don't break up, we just take a break. Taking a break. I laughed to myself. That'd mean I cheated on him, right? 

"Earth to Serena. Bitch, answer me!" Alicia yelled while shaking me. 

"Sorry, what did you say?" 

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