chapter 17

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"W-what is Demi Lovato doing in your house?" Nick asked Serena.

"I'm asking you to leave, that's what I'm doing." I responded, not waiting for Serena to speak.

"B-but- Wait, are you guys d-dating?" He stuttered.

"No!" Serena practically yelled. I felt my heart breaking. We hadn't actually gotten on a date yet, but I asked her and she said she'd love that. Did she change her mind?

Serena looked at me. "Actually, I wanted to ask Demi if she wants to be my girlfriend." She smiled and made my heart flutter.

Nick chuckled. "Yeah right." He mumbled.

I raised an eyebrow at him, went up to Serena and kissed her. "I'd love to." I smiled and wiped away some tears on her face. "And you mister," I faced Nick who looked completely shocked. "You've been standing there for way too long and it's pissing me off."

He looked from me to Serena and mumbled something like "This isn't over, Serena." and left me and my girlfriend standing there.

"So, girlfriend, what do you want to do?" Serena wiggled her eyebrows.

"Uh, maybe you should get dressed because you're irresistible with only a towel over your body." I licked my lips and smirked only to get smacked by Serena.

She got dressed in comfy clothes and we sat on her bed both crossed legged. "I like your house." I said while eating strawberries.

"Thank you." She smiled. "My mom likes to over decorate."

"Tell me something about you, like what's the big history of Serena Mason?" I asked as I laid my head on her lap.

"Where do I start?"

"From the beginning would be a great idea." I flashed her a smile and she smiled back.

"Well," she started "I was born in Texas but my parents moved to LA only a few months later. My dad got a job offer here and my mom always liked LA so they thought it'd be a great idea. I didn't have lots of friends growing up, which I didn't mind since it was my own decision. I'm not particularly shy, I honestly just don't care about talking to people and I'm everything but an open book. I always loved to read and just enjoy time by myself so that's what I spent basically whole my life doing.
Once, in primary school, there were some girls you know, the kind of girls who think they rule the school. They used to pick on everyone and make them feel bad about themselves. One day, I saw them picking on a girl, like it wasn't an everyday thing because they chose someone else every day but everyone saw it happening and ignored it. I knew the girl, because she was in most of my classes and I knew she was pretty shy so I felt bad for her and stood up for her. I felt like I had to protect her from other people and we grew pretty close. She was the only person I made time for and the only person I would put my book down for when she needed me."

"Alicia?" I asked, smiling at their friendship.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Then there was Nick. Our parents knew each other so we were basically forced to hang out from when we were little. He was my best friend for years and could read me like a book. He used to go to the same school as me but he's older so wasn't in my classes. He was a football player but not the I'm-too-good-for-everyone type. He was nice and caring and every girl fell for him. I didn't really care, like I said. I used to fall in love with fictional characters," She chuckled. "but one day he asked me out and I just went for it. I actually liked the date and long story short, I fell in love." She rolled her eyes. "It was great having a relationship with my best friend but after being with him for three months or something, I wanted to surprise him with breakfast. When I got there I saw a blonde girl walking out of his room. I thought he cheated on me. I was heartbroken. Alicia was a great friend during that time and we grew stronger than we already were. I was furious but Nick told me he wasn't cheating on me and he told me it was his cousin who was visiting him so I kind of dropped the subject. He finished school and immediately started working which caused us to drift apart since we barely saw each other. We both knew something was wrong and talked about it, we didn't want to stop our relationship, even though he already fucking knew he'd leave, so he took me on a romantic week but he left for New York after that. I met you like a week or so later and we went to the mall and saw him face sucking the girl who left his room a few months earlier." She smiled, but I could see it was a fake one. "And now I'm here." She laughed. "It makes me seem like an antisocial bitch who only cares about herself but I actually made some other friends. They didn't last long though because they were either fake or just boring." She finished.

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