chapter 23

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Demi's POV

Falling in love is beautiful. Sometimes it ends up not ending well, and you get your heart broken. That isn't as beautiful, but the falling itself is beautiful. Especially when the other person loves you back. You get to enjoy every minute of it and you find out things about each other you've never known.

Falling in love makes you protective. You want to protect the person you're falling in love with. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to that person, but sometimes you can't prevent them.

That's how I felt towards Serena. I was falling in love with her, I knew that. I wanted to protect her. I needed to protect her, but I couldn't. Because I didn't know what happened. I hoped she'd eventually tell me, but I couldn't push her.

When Alicia and Serena entered my room after Alicia found her, I held my breath. I wiped away tears when she was hugging Marissa. Don't get me wrong, Serena is beautiful, but she looked like a mess. She was wearing makeup, to my surprise, but it was all smushed and smeared out on her face. I knew she'd attempted to wipe it away, but she probably only made it worse. Her hair was all tangled up and sticking at her forehead and last but not least, her dress was wrinkled. Very wrinkled. A normal party wouldn't have caused that.

Serena made sure we knew she was okay though. I had already expected her to be someone who wouldn't talk about her problems, since she always used to answer with "I'll tell you later." when I asked her what's wrong. That day was different though. She didn't say she'll tell me later, she simply said she doesn't want to talk about it.

I wanted to know what happened. Not because I was curious, but because I desperately wanted to help her. She looked fragile and broken. I was worried. Marissa and Alicia ended up leaving a few minutes after Serena had fallen asleep. I asked Alicia to let her stay here since she looked like she was sleeping so peacefully. She agreed and let her stay with me.

I woke up the day after that with Serena's hair in my face. Damn, her hair goes wild while sleeping. I didn't remember falling asleep, but I knew it was late when I did. I stared at the brunette for a while, until she spoke under her hair. "I know you're staring."

I laughed at the sight of the warhead talking to me. "Good morning, beautiful." I kissed her forehead. She sat up and fixed her hair. "You dare to call me beautiful while I look like this?" She motioned to her face.

"You're always beautiful." I smiled sheepishly. "A shower will do you good though." I laughed and she slapped my arm while laughing as well.

"Why am I here though?" She asked as she looked around. Doesn't she remember anything? "Um, you fell asleep after Alicia and you came over." Her face fell. "Oh."

I scooted closer to her. "You don't want to talk about it yet, do you?" I quietly asked, hoping she'd talk about it.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I will eventually." I kissed her forehead. "Don't apologize, it's okay." I smiled.

"Can I use your bathroom? I stink." She laughed. I smiled hearing her beautiful laugh. I wish she could laugh forever. "Of course you can, babe." Her face lit up immediately. "Thanks, babe." She replied.

I smiled as I watched Serena make her way to the bathroom. I soon was alone again. Lost in my thoughts about Serena. Not about what had happened with her though. About how amazing it was that we've only gotten back together two days ago, but it already feels like we've never broken up.

Reality hit me at that very moment. I was falling in love with Serena Marie Mason, and I was falling quickly. She made me want to be a better person. I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to protect her. I needed to make sure she was safe. Safe in my arms.

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