chapter 3

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Demi's POV

I woke up to the sound of a lawn mower. ugh, is my neighbor serious? It's 9 in the morning. I groaned as I tried to go back to sleep. Of course I couldn't, I had just woken up. I slid out of bed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

As I was making breakfast I started thinking of the night before. It was weird. I just randomly walked up to this girl and she warmly welcomed me. Okay, first not that warm, but she was sad so it's okay. She's nice, she's hot damn yes she is, she's cute.

I shook my head, too much thinking for a Saturday morning. I wonder if she'll call me though. She's straight, she had a boyfriend. Maybe she was bi, she looked a little gay. 


She doesn't know I'm famous so she doesn't want anything from me. I mean, not that she walked up to me, I did. How did that even happen, was I that bored? Anyway, I'm glad I did. She's nice, we'd make great friends. Or even more than that. 

I laughed at my own thoughts and relaxed on the couch. I love free days more than anything.

Serena's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Ugh. Pancakes made me think of Nick too much, I hate them.

"hey sweetie"

I went sitting in front of my mom to have breakfast "morning mom"

"You look tired. Did you have fun yesterday?"

I nodded while eating my pancakes

"I went to a coffee shop and was just reading a book and then this girl came up to me and we started talking and she ended up being really nice. We'd make good friends I guess" 

My mom and I are pretty close, I tell her everything. It sounds pathetic, but my mom is my best friend.

"That's nice"

"yeah" I got up and put my plate in the dishwasher 

"What are your plans for today?"

"I don't know, probably reading"

"You never have plans. Maybe you should call her and go out"

"Sure mom" I said while running upstairs

I started reading but got bored after hours. Mom is right, I never have plans. Should I call her? It's only the day after though, isn't that awkward? Maybe I should give it a try. 

Something Nick didn't do. I shook my head, don't think about him.

I'm going to call her.

I grabbed my phone and paced through my room. This was nerve racking, I've never been good talking on the phone. Especially not with people I barely know. She wanted me to call her though, she gave me her number.

Okay enough thinking, I'm going to call her.

The phone rang twice before I heard raspy voice. 

Demi's POV

I was still watching television when I heard my phone ring. Who'd call me now? I took my phone and saw an unknown number. Maybe it's Serena. Would she? I didn't really expect her to call me but I thought I'd give it a try and give her my number. 

"Demi speaking"

"Hey, it's Serena here and I kinda was bored again, what a surprise" she laughed "I wanted to know if we could hang out or something, you know, getting to know each other" I smiled at how cute she sounded

"yes sure, what do you want to do?"

"Um, I don't really know, any suggestions?"

"We could hang out in my house, if you want to?" I asked

"Yeah, sounds great" 

"Okay, I'll text you my adress"

"Okay, good. Bye"

"Bye, Serena"

I texted her my adress and started cleaning as fast as I could. My house was a mess! I also changed outfits. Not too dressy of course, I didn't want to look needy. 

I can't believe she called

Selena's POV 

I can't believe I called someone I barely know and I can't believe I'm going to her house. I'm not really shy as a person but this is all new for me. Maybe it was time to make new friends, this is good right?

I got changed and took my car keys

"Mom I'm going to this girl's house"

"Really that's amazing!!!" she sounded more excited than me, I rolled my eyes and drove to her house, I hope it doesn't get awkward.

I drove into a street with huge houses. My jaw dropped when I pulled over at Demi's house. THIS. IS. HUGE. I got out of my car and walked to her front door. 

I knocked and waited a few seconds before Demi opened the door.

"Hey, come in" she smiled

"Are you home alone?"

"Yes, I live alone. Do you still live with your parents?"

"Yes" I blushed "I'm only 19 years old though, I think it's okay" I laugh 

"Aw you're 19 years old, how cute" 

I laughed "How old are you? You look my age"


I couldn't help myself but laugh at this

"Oh you're one year older, wow" I said sarcasticly

"yes I am so you better not give me an attitude" she laughed "Let's go to my room"

I followed her to her room "How do you not get lost? Your house is huge"

"I have this plan on my phone and use it whenever I get lost"

"Really that's cool" 

she started laughing "I was joking, wow you're gullible"

Of course she was, who has a plan of her own house on her phone, dumb. I laughed along, her laugh is contagious and so adorable

"This is my room" we walked into a white painted room. Almost everything in there was white or black

"It's beautiful"

"Thanks" she said while jumping on her bed. I awkwardly stood next to the door. She noticed it and patted the space next to her on her bed

"So, what do you want to do?" she said as I sat down

"I don't know, we can get to know each other"

"Sure, tell me something about yourself"

"Okay, there's nothing really interesting. My full name is Serena Marie Mason, I'm 19 years old which you already knew. I love reading and don't really have a social life." I looked up at the ceiling and tried to think of something interesting "that's all I got, I guess. your turn"

"Okay. My full name is Demetria Devonne Lovato, I love to sing and read. I can't cook even though I live alone and I love scary movies" she smiled 

"I hate scary movies"

She pushed me "you're crazy" we laughed

"Don't you get bored in this huge house alone?"

"Yes, it's kinda lonely. Sometimes I get beautiful guests though" She winked

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