chapter 13

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Serena's POV

We were driving to Demi's show, all four of us. The radio was on and we made sure to sing along with every song. Marissa and I were trying our best to sing as much off key as possible, which cracked us up. I still wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. I made two incredible friends within the space of a month and all it took was a basic conversation at a coffee shop.

"We're here!" Demi yelled over her own song playing. I felt bad for not knowing all the lyrics since I barely knew the song. I had heard it before but I didn't know it by heart and I sure as hell didn't know what to expect at her concert that night.

We all got out of Demi's car and headed to the venue through the artists entrance. Marissa and Demi walked in casually while Alicia and I followed them, trying to take it in. We looked at each other and made faces about how cool this was.

I found myself staring at Demi's ass a few minutes later. I didn't know what it was about her, but I found her irresistible. I thought I was straight but Demi made me question that. Maybe I liked boys and girls. Nick was the only boy I actually fell for after all.

I was in deep thoughts when I realized Demi's ass was turning around. I made sure I looked away before she actually was looking at me.

"Like what you see?" she asked smiling.

I felt myself getting red and decided to play dumb. "What do you mean."

She raised an eyebrow. "I thought you never went backstage yet, so I was wondering if you liked it." she said as if it was the most obvious thing.

In fact, it was the most obvious thing. I just thought she knew I was staring at her ass. I shook my thoughts away quickly. "Yes, it's pretty cool." I smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked as she stood next to me. Marissa took Alicia with her to introduce her to some friends who were hanging out backstage, too. I knew they'd make great friends because Alicia wasn't that shy around her like she is around other people.

"Nothing special." I replied, shaking my head.

"You can talk about it, you know." Demi smiled.

"I was just thinking about how incredible it is that I met you barely a month ago and we already make great friends. Marissa and Alicia also seem to have a lot of fun and this only happened because you came up to me at the coffee shop." I smiled.

I didn't actually lie. I just didn't tell her that it wasn't everything I was thinking about.

"You are incredible." she booped my nose. "I'm glad I came up to you. Let's find Alicia and Marissa to keep you company while I have soundcheck." she took my hand and we found our friends.

Marissa, Alicia and I stayed in the green room while Demi was soundchecking. She specifically told us to not watch soundcheck because she wanted us to hear her sing for the first time at the actual show. We could hear parts of her songs and her talking to her fans from here but we tried to talk and laugh and not pay attention to it.

"I can hear her laugh." I smiled at Marissa.

She smiled back. "It's a laugh you'll hear a lot and you just can't help but laugh along."

"I know." I sighed.

"You like her, don't you?" Alicia joined.

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Marissa rolled her eyes. "What part about that question is hard? Do you like Demi?"

My head cocked to the side. "As in like like?" I made air quotations.

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