chapter 27

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"I thought you wanted to wait."

I pushed the hair, sticking to my forehead, away as I whiped at the sweat. I watched her chest rising and falling quickly. Our heavy breathing filled the room as we both tried to calm down.

It was now the middle of Serena's spring break. The camping trip happened a week ago. Serena and I have been hanging out as much as we can. Mostly in my house or her house since we didn't go public yet.

"Guess I couldn't." She replied, making eye contact with me.

I smiled as I interwined our fingers and legs. "So, how was it?" I raised my eyebrows.

Her loud laugh filled the room. "Amazing, you're very experienced." She touched my cheek.

"Aren't you as well? I mean, damn, you were great." I winked, making her blush.

"I've only did it a few times with Nick. And you know, he has a dick." We both laughed at her choose of words.

"Now I can't get that picture out of my mind." I screeched causing her to playfully slap me.

"I expected things to get awkward after having sex for the first time." The taller girl suddenly admitted.

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow. "We're together."

"Yeah, I know. I didn't actually expect them to be awkward awkward, I just.. I don't know, my mind is weird!" She played with my fingers.

"I like your mind. You have a beautiful way of thinking." I told her.

Her face lit up as she looked at me. "You're beautiful, Demetria."

As much as I hate that name, I liked how it sounded when she said it. I liked everything she did.

"Do you like children?" She asked, catching me off guard.

"I do.. Do you?" I asked, watching her closely.

She nodded her head. "I used to babysit my little cousin all the time." She smiled.

"How old is she?" I asked, imagining Serena with a little baby in her arms.

"Four. My aunt moved to France and of course took Penelope with her." She sighed.

"One day, you'll have kids of your own." I smiled, kissing her forehead.

"At the same time as you, right?" She smiled widely.

I laughed. "Smooth. Anyways, I'm going to take a shower. You want to watch a movie before the big dinner tonight?"

"Yes," She sighed. "It's going to be so awkward."

"Why's that, babe. We've both met each other's family." I played with her hair. Holding her so close to me, with nothing separating us, is the best feeling in the world.

"Yeah, but they haven't met each other. You have a big family and I only have my mom. I don't know, I'm nervous in a way I can't describe." 

"Hey, it'll be okay." I reassured her. "You're mom is so cool, she makes jokes out of everything which is fucking funny. My family loves funny people and your mom loves nice people so we're all saved. Besides, if they don't like each other, who fucking cares. We like each other, that's all what matters, right." I booped her nose and she scrunched her face up. 

"You should write a book." She laughed.

"Been there, done that." 

She shook her head. "Off course, should've seen it coming. Go take that shower, I want to watch a movie."

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