chapter 18

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Serena's POV

"What the-"

I woke up on a beautiful Monday morning, note the sarcasm, by someone bouncing on me. The person's hand flew to my mouth. "Don't say it! It's too early to curse."

I rolled my eyes. "Why did we give you a spare key? Get off me, let me sleep!" I whined. 

She got off me but pulled me with her. "I don't want to ruin your day or something, but we have college to go to." 

I glanced at my watch and noticed I still had plenty time to get ready. I raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain why you came this early?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Well," She threw some clothes at me. "You bitch texted me that your mom knows you're bi or whatever and that you're dating Demi, but you never told me what she said!" She crossed her arms and glared at me, causing me to laugh. 

"She was totally okay with it. Like, I didn't expect her to not be okay with it but I was still shocked at how chill she was." I admitted. 

"Does Demi know?" She asked.

"No, I was planning on telling her tonight. On our date." I wiggled my eyebrows. 

"You're a fucking bitch, you know." She said without looking up at me.

"What did I do this time?" I laughed.

"You're dating the Demi Lovato and you didn't even know who she was when you met her!" She lightly pushed me. "Do you know how many girls envy you? You better take care of her." She chuckled. 

"You're my best friend. You're supposed to tell her to take care of me, and not the other way around." I laughed. 

"Will do when you're girlfriend and girlfriend. By the way, be careful because I guess she's the jealous type." She winked. 

I stuck my tongue out. "We are girlfriend and girlfriend." I laughed. "And how do you know?" 

"No fucking way?! How?!" She shouted. "And oh, I don't know but she is in most fanfics." 

I rolled my eyes. "Really, fanfics?" 


"Well, Nick was here and-" 

"Nick was here?" She cut me off.

"Let me finish," I stopped her from asking more questions. "He was here and wanted to explain or whatever and I asked him to leave. Demi appeared from nowhere and told him to leave so he asked if we were dating and I was like no I wanted to ask Demi to be my girlfriend and he didn't believe me because I mean, she's famous, so Demi came up to me and kissed me in front of him and was like I'd love to." I finished out of breath. 

Her jaw dropped and she had the funniest expression on her face. "She kissed you in front of him? Woah. Did you at least let him explain?" She asked, to my surprise.

I shook my head and raised an eyebrow. "Should I have?" 

"Uhm, I don't know, that's your decision. I just thought you would've wanted to hear what he has to say." She shrugged. "Go get ready, we don't want to be late on the first day." She winked. 

What's wrong with this girl and liking school? I thought by myself as I took a shower and got dressed. I started to doubt my choice of not listening to Nick's explanation. I knew it wouldn't change things since he cheated on me while we were together and went back to the bitch when he left me for his 'job'. Besides, I have Demi now. 

"Hurry!" Alicia whined as I was blowdrying my hair. 

"Shut up." 

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Someone's crancky." 

"I just want school to be over already." I confessed. I didn't like school, just like most people. Teachers don't like me because I space off in class too many times and my grades aren't great. I don't like to put time and effort in school work. You'd think I'm a nerd and I'm smart because I love reading, but it's the opposit. I'd rather read a good book than spend my time doing homework.

I got a text from Marissa as I was putting my shoes on. 

Marissa: Need to talk to you!

What's up? I replied. 

Marissa: Not through phone, are you free tomorrow? 

After school, yeah. 

We agreed on meeting up at Starbucks after school. I was confused but I tried to not think much of it. 

Alicia and I went to school a few minutes later. I'll save you from the details about Rian hitting on me, which is disgusting because one; he probably fucked all the girls at school, and two; his name reminds me too much of my dad's name. I mean my stepdad, but I've grown to love him more than my actual dad. 

I sighed at the thought of my stepdad. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Alicia brought me back to the real world. 

I simply nodded while walking back to her car. 

Beside Rian hitting on me, nothing really interesting happened that day. Basically every single teacher made me stay longer after class to preach me about doing better this year. You know the "you have potential to do better' speech. 

The day couldn't end any quicker. I was glad we got through the first day, and we were on our way back home. Alicia and I went to get a drink and then she dropped me off at my place. 

I decided to take a nap before getting ready for the date. It's funny actually how we're only having our first date after starting the relationship. It kind of made me nervous. 

The ringing of my phone woke me up. I ignored it and closed my eyes again. I was too tired to answer the phone and I'm sure it's Alicia bothering me or my mom asking me how school went. The ringing stopped and started again a few seconds later. I ignored the phone two times and answered the third. 

"Yes?" I answered without checking caller ID, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Serena?" The voice sounded scared and made me sit straight in bed. 

"Yes? What happened?" I had to refrain myself from shouting.

"Can you come to the hospital, please?" The voice whispered, causing me to jump out of bed.


This is short and shitty but it's kind of a filler chapter and ill update again soon ily 

+ I dedicated this chapter to justsmiile, she came up with Semetria which i like best for their shipname. Btw she has a fanfic called The Secret and it's really good, you should check it out! 

and tell me who you think called Serena and why! Ill dedicate the next chapter to the one who guessed correctly! 

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