chapter 8

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Demi's POV

A loud noise woke me up. I found myself sitting on the stairs with tears on my face. I tried to think of what happened but only remembered Serena storming out.

My phone started ringing and I answered without checking caller ID

"yes?" I sleepily said

"Demi, are you home?" a familiar voice asked

"Oh hey Marissa! Yes, I am why?"

"I've been knocking for half an hour, open the door sleepyhead"

I hurried downstairs and opened the door

"What happened?" she asked worriedly

"How do you know something happened?" I wondered

She pointed to my face "you've been crying, you're a mess"

"Thank you" I laughed

She hugged me "hey whatever it is I'm here for you"

I loved Marissa so much. She's been here for me since we were little and always knows when something is wrong. I trust her and she trusts me.

"I just had a fight with someone, it's not a big deal. I don't even know why I cried" I said while wiping tears away "im okay though, it's nothing big"

"What happened?" she took my hand and we walked to the living room

"Remember that girl I walked up to in the coffee shop?" I asked

She look up the ceiling and nodded "ok yeah, selena right?"

"Serena" I corrected her "she called me the day after I walked up to her and I texted her my address and we hung out. I found out that she didn't know I'm famous"

"Did you have a fight about that?" marissa asked

"No, let me finish. So I liked it that she didn't know I was famous so I didn't tell her but earlier today she was dropping hints because she obviously found out. She told me she had been knowing since the second day of being friends and I got mad because she didn't tell me earlier and then she started yelling at me and stormed out." I looked at marissa waiting for an answer

Her eyes widened in shock "wow" she whispered

"Yeah, it was a short friendship" I laughed

I felt someone hit me and looked up at a mad face

"why did you do that?" I asked not knowing why she slapped me

"Are you serious?! She liked you for you and not for the famous Demi Lovato! Why did you even get mad at her for not telling you? You're the one who kept it a secret!" she yelled

"calm down" I whispered

She took a breath "listen. you have to make it up with her. She doesn't want anything from you like your other friends" she made air quotations during the word friends and I rolled my eyes

"don't involve Emily and Melanie, I already know you don't like them."

She sighed "I didn't say I was talking about them but what I was saying is that you have to call her. it was your fault not hers, it was your secret, not hers and I can't believe you got mad at her for not telling you" she finished

I looked down "at least I got to kiss her" I tried to joked

Marissa's eyes widened "What?!"

I sighed "I was drunk and kissed her"

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