chapter 4

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Serena's POV

She winked. 

I felt extremely awkward, and just stared at her until she started laughing. 

"I was joking, silly. You don't have to feel awkward" she laughed

"Wait, so you're saying I'm not beautiful?" Ipretended to be offended, hoping she'd be the one feeling awkward now

"No, I mean- you are but- I meant-" she stuttered. 

I started histerically laughing "Should I be an actress or what?" I yelled. She pushed me and started laughing along "I also have the looks, you just said I'm beautiful" I winked 

"I take that back"

"You don't" 

"Okay, princess, let's do something" she said while rolling her eyes


"Don't get too excited, Serena" she laughed

I started laughing as well "We could get to know each other" 

"Okay how?" she said smiling

"We could ask questions in turns but you can't ask a question that is already asked"

"Sounds fun, you start"

"Okay, um, what's your favourite color?"

"How interesting" she laughed  "It's red"

I looked around in her room "I thought it'd be black" I laughed

she laughed along "I'm not that predictable" 

She stuck her tongue out, closed one eye and looked up at the ceiling. She was probably thinking of a question "Sexuality?" she said smirking

My jaw dropped, this was only the second question "You need to build the questions up, I can't believe you already asked that" I laughed

"But I did so I need an answer" she giggled

"I told you about my exboyfriend, didn't I?"

"Yes, that excludes gay, you only have bi and straight left" she pouted and laughed

"I think I'm going for straight" I laughed "Okay my turn, why were you so mysterious when I didn't know who you were?" I stared at her waiting for an answer

"I like being mysterious"

"That's not an answer"

"An answer is a reply and I replied to your question, so it was an answer" she laughed

I squeezed my eyes and faced her with a serious look on my face  "Okay, Demetria Lovato, I'll figure out what your secret is" 

Her voice made me open my eyes and smile "You look really cute doing that" 

"You look really cute not being mysterious. Your turn"

"Who was your first kiss?"

"Nick" I blushed, the last person I want to talk about right now is Nick so I changed the topic

"What's the worst thing you've ever done" I smiled

"Easy, stealing candy from my little sister" 

I couldn't help but laugh at her "What a badass" I laughed

"I know right!" There was a silence until she realized it was her turn "Were you and this guy, Nick, serious?"


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